What does the second Kara do? The Supergirl lookalike is in a mysterious mission


Spoilers coming for the Super Girl Season 4 premiere. The first season 4 of Super Girl started things as usual: the Girl of Steel saved the day, not just in National City, but around the world. Whether it's to catch an art thief or to prevent a train from collapsing on a ruined bridge in Kaznia, Kara has proven herself as heroic as ever. The last moments of the episode, however, raised several questions. Chief among them: What is Kara's second action that has earned him a way through underground stones? She is definitely a woman on a mission, but for what purpose?

Let's go back for a moment here. The second Kara was introduced for the first time at the end of season 3, when an aura left Supergirl's body during his battle with Reign. This is only the second time that viewers see it. This particular scene began after the collapse of a bridge in Kaznia and Supergirl ran to save a passenger train. At first, it seemed like a random incident, but there was a good reason for the fall of the bridge: below where it was, the second Kara was using its strength to pierce something deep down. earth, involuntarily (or perhaps intentionally). ) making it structurally unhealthy.


The episode has ended before we can know what exactly it is, the second Kara is doing or what she's trying to do, but that does not mean that we are completely in the dark. The only clue we are given is the fact that she is surrounded by men dressed in military uniforms. They are probably soldiers from the same military base that we saw approaching at the end of last season, when it was created (and accidentally). We do not know what she has done since that time, nor whether her intentions are pure or bad.

Shortly after the season 3 finale, TVLine spoke to executive producers Robert Rovner and Jessica Queller about this change of Kara doppelgänger and what it means for the rest of the series. "For comic fans, I think they might recognize that the story we want to tell is inspired by the iconic DC Comics." Red wires, which tells a story of alternative origin for Superman, "said Rovner at the exit. Queller added, "What will happen if, as a baby, Superman lands in Russia and becomes a hero instead of being in America? It's a tribute to that. "


Of course, this scenario is centered on Supergirl rather than Superman and it's a fully developed adult version rather than a baby, but the idea in itself is quite similar. So, will she be more a friend or an enemy? At the present time, it is too early to know, but knowing how these things usually happen for Kara, it will probably be the latter.

It is also possible that this alternative Kara is the result of the actual interference that Kara made last season. After throwing her "non-murder" at the window and losing everyone, she used the Legion of Mon-El ring to go back in time and prevent that from happening. Its positive side has prevailed, but now that this Supergirl alternative exists, could it be the darker version that Kara has almost become?


Those who watch The flash know that playing with the timeline can have serious consequences. Maybe Kara is about to taste this experience.

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