What does Todd Bowles of Jets do about the controversy over the draft NFL?


He has not yet bitten the Jets, but he seems tied up early enough.

The new draft NFL rule, which has been revamped, has become a hot topic in the league in recent weeks thanks to a series of seemingly ridiculous calls.

Two of these flags were pitched against the Packers, Clay Matthews, who were outraged after the most recent call on Sunday.

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The main change to the rule is simple: Defensive players can not fall with their total weight on quarterback. Putting this in place, when players move so fast and try to make sure the quarter is safe, is a lot less easy.

Todd Bowles has coached in the NFL since 2000. And before that, he spent eight seasons in the league as a security. He also has two bags in his career log, so he knows at least something about the quarter.

So what does Bowles do with the new rule that sparked discussions across the league?

"It's difficult, I can not explain it, it's difficult," Bowles said. "I do not know what to say From my point of view, the ones I've seen, these are very good pieces.I do not know how to train it in certain situations.This is very difficult to manage."

The strangest part of this controversy is that the change was made after the release of the new NFL rules during the pre-season. At the time, all the turmoil involved the new helmet rule, which has since been revised and has therefore rarely been called.

Now the question is whether the fury on the gateway calls will cause a similar change.

Bowles, for one, seems to be in favor of this.

Matt Stypulkoski can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @M_Stypulkoski. Find NJ.com Jets on Facebook.

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