What Dog Owners Should Know About Campylobacter


Epidemics in humans are common. But epidemics in humans of puppies? This is a much rarer scenario, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently explained how this strange epidemic had persisted for three years, in a new report, published on September 21st.

Between 2016 and 2018, 118 people in 18 states have been infected with intestinal bacteria Campylobacter jejuni. Some people were hospitalized and the infection was difficult to treat because the bacteria were resistant to some of the typical antibiotics typically used.

The CDC followed the source of the infection and found that it came from puppies C. jejuni with them, breeders, pet shops and finally houses. [11 Ways Your Beloved Pet Can Make You Sick]

But how did this epidemic occur? And is this something that should worry all puppy owners?

To begin, recorded C. jejuni Outbreaks in dogs are rare, said Dr. Michele Jay-Russell, veterinary public health researcher at the University of California Davis. These infections usually come from cattle, Jay-Russell told Live Science – bacteria can live in the intestines of an animal without causing damage and leave their bodies in the excrement. People who consume contaminated food or a raw animal product, such as raw milk or undercooked chicken, may become ill. "It does not make the same titles as E. coli… but it's common and gets people out for a few weeks. It's more than a stomach ache, "she added.

Bacteria can behave in the same way in dogs as in farm animals, that is, they do not harm animals. Some of the puppies from the recent outbreak probably became sick because they ate poo at other dogs at the pet store, Jay-Russell said. And because puppies were young and probably stressed in their new situation, it's possible that they did not develop immunity to bacteria like other dogs.

But the fact that 29 of the patients were used by pet stores was a "red flag": the sanitation guidelines were ignored, said Jay-Russell. "There were protocols that were obviously not in place," she said.

If dog owners do not skimp on cleanliness procedures, they will probably not get sick because of bacteria on their pups. Washing hands after playing with dogs, picking poop and keeping food bowls clean can go a long way, said Jay-Russell. And if raw dog food was a trend, she added, feeding dogs with raw chicken may feed them. C. jejuni.

Jay-Russell also advises not to take the puppies to the vet unless they are obviously sick. Diarrhea, for example, may be a symptom of the bacteria. But even in this case, the poop does not mean that the puppy is fighting the virus. A veterinarian can sample the waste and determine the cause. If it's bacteria and they're prescribing antibiotics, use them as directed, Jay-Russell said. If your dog is doing better before the end of the dosage, do not hold it until the next time your dog has run. The nonprescription use of antibiotics is the reason why bacteria, like those that infected these 118 people, develop drug resistance. Instead, throw them away or return the pills to the vet, said Jay-Russell.

For the most part, this epidemic was due to a few factors unfortunately linked to dozens of diseases. If you do not want to see it at home, said Jay-Russell, there is a good rule to follow:

Originally published on Science live.

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