What Guardians of Galaxy 3 Could Mean for Marvel Phase 4 Plans


After being delayed indefinitely, it seems that Marvel does not expect to do the necessary Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 for several years. At first glance, this is only a problem if you are a serious Guardians of the Galaxy fan and looked forward to the third installment. However, in the broader context of the Marvel film universe, it is a potentially much larger problem. While Marvel spoke little about what phase four was going to be, the studio had said Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was going to set the stage for the next phase, so if the film will not come out before 2022 or after, what does it say about phase four?

In short, it is said that phase four will probably not be what we hoped for. We certainly do not anticipate an interruption of the MCU before 2022. We will probably see several Marvel films released between Spider-Man: far from home and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Phase four will be well advanced before seeing Star-Lord, Rocket and the others again.

However, if it means Guardians Vol. 3 will not be there to launch the MCU in phase four, so the cosmic focus that was announced for the new phase may not become a reality at all. Nothing indicates that we will soon have another movie on Thor and it is just as unlikely that we jump so fast in a suite of Captain Marvel. There are simply not many other cosmic heroes available to take the place of the Guardians.

The fact is, if Marvel wanted it, they could almost certainly Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 taken off the ground at or near its original date of publication, provided it is made a priority. They have a script, written by James Gunn before his unceremonial dismissal, and all indicates that the plan was to use this script. Finding a director should not be so difficult. It's Marvel. There is probably a waiting line at the door of people interested in being part of the MCU.

Even if Marvel decided to go back to the formula, get a new script, hire a new director and remake Dave Bautista, he still would not need two and a half years to be ready to produce. This important delay seems strange. Why would Marvel now know that Guardians will only start firing in 2021? It seems like an intentional decision that the studio has made to wait. So why are they doing it?

Today, it was announced that Disney Cruise in the jungle The film essentially took control of an exit window in which a film Untitled Marvel had been shot. This film has been removed from the calendar and has not received a new date. The current calendar of MCU is not limited to being modified, it seems to undergo a real change. Cruise in the jungle is an untested property to which a summer broadcast date has been assigned. It may be that Disney is high up in Dwayne Johnson's new film and wants to give it a bigger date than next October, or that Disney needs to fill that gap with something because the Marvel film has to be shot was available.

The question is not only that phase four can change because Guardians Vol. 3 has been delayed, it is that Guardians Vol. 3 can be delayed because phase four is changing.

The fact that the Disney / Fox merger can be finalized by the beginning of the year can not be ignored here. When James Gunn first said that he was hanging out after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 to make a third film and also work on Phase Four, the idea of ​​recovering the X-Men and the Fantastic Four was far from being a reality. However, when Marvel Studios had to sit down and decide what to do after letting James Gunn go, it was a reality. S & # 39; there was a time to reconsider the way forward, that was it.

After reviewing the situation, Kevin Feige and his company may have decided that because of the future of the Guardians franchise in question, they simply had to change gears. Keeping the MCU more based on the Earth, at least for a while, would be safer, but with new characters on the way, it could still be made to feel fresh and new, something distinct from the previous phase.

If the decision was made to include mutants or the Reed family in phase four, then you want to move Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 further down the line. You want the first films of the new phase to prepare this scene and guardians It's not necessarily the franchise you want to do.

Although we did not know a lot about the films that Marvel plans to produce in Phase Four, the ones that leaked a lot of ink right up to here are a movie of Black Widow and Black Panther 2. Neither l & # 39 neither are particularly cosmic.

There is another reason why you might want to move Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 as late as possible. If some of the rumors were true that some Marvel members wanted to give James Gunn a second chance, the chances of that happening are increasing as we wait. After a few years, one could announce that James Gunn has "learned his lesson" and that he and Disney have reconciled. Honestly, I do not think that will happen, but that could happen.

Of course, all this is a rumor-based guess, so it's possible that the principle is wrong. It's true, though, that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will no longer be the launching pad it has been, it's clear that something else will be and it will probably send us back to a place totally different from the Marvel Film Universe.

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