What is croup? All you need to know about cold disease that affects children the most


We have all heard of, and probably tried, various home remedies for coughs and colds, ranging from chicken soup to mousse on Vick's VapoRub and wearing socks to sleep. But if most colds and coughs are caused by viruses that can come and go without much complication, others can be a little more scary. Croup, a common cold-like infection in children, is one of them.

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Jim Harbaugh, head coach at the University of Michigan, recently spoke about croup in his "Attack Each Day" podcast. He talked about taking his two young children to the doctor for breathing problems that were croupy. Her father had recommended a family remedy called mustard plaster – a paste made from dry mustard, flour and warm water – to relieve coughs and congestion. The doctor had never heard of this treatment, Harbaugh said.

Dealing with croup can be a mined field of trial and error for people looking for real help. So, here are some tips for dealing with croup.

But first, what is the croup?

Croup is a viral disease, most often caused by parainfluenza virus. It causes swelling and narrowing of the vocal box (larynx) and trachea (trachea), resulting in coughing, noisy breathing, and congestion. Children with rumps often have a loud barking cough and make noise when they inhale (called stridor).

These symptoms usually last only a few days, but a persistent cough can last up to three weeks. In many children, it also tends to cause a low fever.

Rump is more common in children aged 3 months to 5 years. In children over 8 years of age and adults, however, the airways are large enough so that the virus does not cause as much swelling and the croup behaves more like a cold.

The rump is contagious, especially during the first three days of illness – or until the fever is gone. Children can usually go back to school once they have felt better and that fever is gone. Tip: Remind your children to cover their mouths with elbows when they cough and wash their hands regularly.

Most children with croup can be treated at home, but if they are severe, they may have difficulty breathing and need to see a doctor.

PHOTO: A sick child is seen in this undated photo.PHOTO STOCK / Getty Images
A sick child is seen in this undated photo.

How do you treat croup?

Since rump is a viral disease, antibiotics are not recommended for treatment because they only work on bacterial infections. Your child will get better as the virus evolves, but in the meantime, here are some easy, safe, and physician-approved home remedies to relieve the cough and stridor associated with croup:

1. Run the shower in the bathroom. Allowing them to breathe in warm, moist air will help relax the vocal cords and reduce the symptoms of coughing.

2. Breathe cold air to relieve the stridor. Take your child outside (if it's cold outside) or open the refrigerator or use a cool mist humidifier and let it breathe in soothing, cool air for a few minutes.

3. Use acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin) to treat fever. If their fever is above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, these over-the-counter medications are your best choice. Use as needed, as directed.

4. Use saline detergent to reduce the risk of encroachment. If your child has a stuffy nose, try using a syringe to collect mucus. A few drops of nasal saline (half a teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of water) can be used to help loosen the mucus, after which you can suck it off.

5. Use honey to relieve sore throats and coughs. A teaspoon of honey can help relieve an itchy throat, thin the mucus and relieve coughing. Important Note: Do it only if your child is over one year old.

6. Drink liquids. As with all cold-related illnesses, make sure your child stays hydrated and drinks enough fluids, such as water or Pedialyte. If they can not drink or keep something because of cough or difficulty breathing, they should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

7. Stay calm and wait. The more your child is worried or upset, the narrower the trachea can shrink and the harder it is for him to breathe.

If you have tried all this and your child continues to breathe loudly or has trouble breathing, take him to the nearest emergency room. They may require a dose of oral steroid or nebulizer breathing therapy to help reduce swelling. Some children may even need to be admitted to the hospital for closer observation, to make sure the swelling does not reappear or worsen.

What should not J & # 39; s use?

Some home remedies are better than others, but you can definitely ignore them:

1. cold medicine. Over-the-counter medications such as DayQuil or Sudafed are not recommended for children under 6 years of age as they can be harmful. These medications often contain a mixture of different medications that can cause excessive drowsiness or even prevent breathing.

2. Vitamin C. It has not been shown that these supplements reduce the symptoms or duration of the cough.

3. Zinc. It has not been shown that these supplements helped with croup.

So what about Harbaugh mustard plaster?

No available research has demonstrated the efficacy of mustard dressing in the treatment of cough or common cold associated with croup. That said, it's still a very used home remedy with plenty of anecdotal evidence to support it.

Before playing the doctor at home, it is always recommended to consult your child's pediatrician first.

Dr. Tiffany Yeh is a researcher in endocrinology at New York-Presbyterian Medical Center Weill Cornell and a member of the ABC News Medical Unit.

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