What is Fisetin? A product found in fruits and vegetables could slow down aging, researchers say


A naturally occurring by-product in fruits and vegetables could help people live longer and healthier lives.

Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute and the Mayo Clinic have investigated whether fisetin, a coloring agent, could prolong patients' lives. Posted in EBioMedicine on September 29, the study showed that it could prolong life by about 10%.

"We are looking for drugs that can kill those damaged senescent cells that are very toxic to our bodies and accumulate as we get older," said Laura Niedernhofer, director of the Institute of Biology of Aging and Metabolism. University of Minnesota. the author on paper, said Newsweek. "It turns out that fisetine is a natural product that we have been able to show very selectively and effectively to kill these senescent cells, or at least to recall their poor secretions or inflammatory proteins."

Cells undergo cellular senescence when they reach a certain level of damage as they age. When a person is young, their immune system is able to clean these senescent cells, but the older a person is, the harder it is for his or her body to effectively clean those cells. When cells accumulate, they can cause inflammation and release enzymes that can degrade tissue. Fisetin is a senolytic, a type of drug that could clear senescent cells. To test whether fisetin could get rid of these damaged cells, the researchers administered fisetin to aging mice.

"Mice have extended their lifespan and lifespan by more than 10%, which is remarkable," said Paul Robbins, another seasoned author and associate director of the Institute of Biology of Aging and Metabolism from the University of Minnesota. , Told Newsweek. Health is the period of a person's life in which she is healthy and alive, not just alive. "At the dose we used, the question is whether we could give them a lower dose or more rarely. It is a theoretical advantage to use these types of drugs that can clean up damaged cells – you can use them intermittently. "

Fruits and vegetables A customer looks at fruits and vegetables for sale in London. Fisetine is naturally present in fruits and vegetables, but it is unlikely to slow down aging. JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP / GETTY IMAGES

The team also tested fisetine on human adipose tissue in the laboratory to determine how the drug would interact with human cells, not just mouse cells. As they have been able to reduce senescent cells in human adipose tissue, scientists believe that fisetine will probably work in humans. However, the amount of fisetin in fruits and vegetables is not enough to provide these benefits. Scientists still need to determine the best dosage.

An article published in Medicine of nature in June revealed that fisetin can improve physical function in the elderly, and an article published in August in Aging cell discovered that senescent cells could be linked to Alzheimer's disease. Fisetin is currently undergoing clinical trials at the Mayo Clinic. It could therefore be available for the treatment of senescent cells by humans in the next few years.

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