What is legal, what is not it?


Vermont is the ninth state in the United States to legalize cannabis for recreational purposes and the first state in the country to do so through its legislature. The law was signed in January by state governor Phil Scott. Now, individuals 21 years of age and older in the state can legally own up to 1 ounce of marijuana and own up to six marijuana plants (two of which can be mature and four must be immature) .

The legalization of the state remains ambiguous, the authorities claiming that some things will become clearer case by case. For example, while owning up to 1 ounce is legal, it's unclear how the police will apply the rule with edibles, Burlington Free Press reported. The law is also vague on public versus private use as well as on how a garden should be secure.

Despite confusion over technical details, weed industry employees told the local media that they were becoming more interested in their business. We have really seen an increase in interest and are very excited after today to introduce this hobby, this therapeutic and recreational hobby to a whole host of new people, "said Kelsy. Raap, General Manager of Green State Gardener . Speaking to the support of the law, Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman told Saturday at the local television station WCAX that Vermont "changes [its] laws to reflect what is goes into society ". that many people have been illegally using marijuana for a long time and that criminalization has had a negative impact on people's lives.

"Many people have been incarcerated in this state or throughout the country, especially people of color. an opportunity to change that and, you know, people deserve their individual choices, "said the Lieutenant Governor.

Although some points in the law remain unclear, there are still many things that are clearly prohibited. The use of cannabis in a vehicle, just like the consumption of alcohol, is strictly forbidden to drivers and passengers. Smoking in federal areas, such as Lake Champlain, is still considered a criminal offense, because weeds are still illegal at the national level and it is still forbidden to sell grass all over Vermont.

Employees should not assume that cannab consumption It will be the same for their employers as recreational use

"said Heather Wright, a Burlington labor lawyer specializing in Vermont Public Radio. "For the most part, Vermont employers are allowed to take a stand on what they do about drug use at the workplace."

At the same time, Wright stated that most employers were indifferent. during their hours of rest. " A member of the International Cannabis Church holds a pot full of marijuana at the church's 4/20 celebration on April 20, 2018 in Denver, Colorado ASON CONNOLLY / AFP / Getty Images

The introduction of legal recreational cannabis in Vermont comes less than two weeks after Canada became the first G7 country to legalize recreational marijuana nationwide The North American country is also only the second country in the world to do so, following a decision made by Uruguay in 2013.

Recreational marijuana is in eight other US states as well as in the District of Columbia.It has also been legalized for medical age in 30 states, but remains completely illegal under US federal law

With the relocation of Canada, as well as more and more states that decriminalize and legalize, activists hope that the United States will be the next

John Conroy, president of the Canadian chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, told Newsweek that Canada's decision "will have without any doubt will affect the way things will end up playing out federally in the United States.

The fight against cannabis in the United States also benefits from growing bipartisan support. Senators Cory Gardner, a Republican from Colorado, and Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, recently circulated legislation in Washington aimed at protecting marijuana users who follow state laws of prosecution. The bill also states that the purchase or sale of pot will no longer be considered drug trafficking.

Commenting on the bill, President Donald Trump says that he "will probably end up supporting it" when he progresses. The Texas Republican Party recently voted to officially support the decriminalization of cannabis and the use of medical marijuana.

In addition to Warren and Gardner's bill, several others were presented to Congress this year

. a few years ago, it would have been inconceivable to imagine that a leader of one of the two main parties was introducing a bill to decriminalize and decriminalize marijuana at the federal level ", said Michael Liszewski, director of government affairs for Americans for Safe Access. a press release sent by email to Newsweek . "And yet, here we are at the very next session of Congress with several bills that would end the federal ban on marijuana introduced in the Senate by prominent members of both parties."

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