What is more dangerous for the heart, bacterial pneumonia or viral pneumonia?


Washington DC. [USA]November 12 (ANI): A recent study showed that bacterial pneumonia was much more dangerous for the heart than viral pneumonia.

The research conducted by the Intermountain Medical Center was presented at the 2018 Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association.

In the study of nearly 5,000 patients, the researchers found that patients diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia were 60% more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or death than patients who received a diagnosis of viral pneumonia.

"We have always known that pneumonia is a risk factor for a major adverse cardiac event, such as a heart attack, within 90 days of diagnosis," said J. Brent Muhlestein. "We did not know what type of pneumonia was the most dangerous. The results of this study provided a clear answer, which will allow physicians to better monitor patients and focus on reducing their risk of major adverse cardiac event. "

The study evaluated 4,792 pneumonia patients diagnosed and hospitalized in one of 23 Intermountain Healthcare hospitals between January 2007 and May 2014. Each patient was followed for 90 days and followed to screen for a heart attack, stroke , heart failure or death.

Bacterial pneumonia was diagnosed in almost 80% of patients and 34% (1270 patients) had a major cardiovascular event within 90 days. At the same time, viral pneumonia was diagnosed in 21% of patients and a major adverse event was reported at 26% (258 patients) within 90 days.

"The likely underlying cause is that bacterial pneumonia causes greater inflammation of the arteries compared to viral pneumonia," said Dr. Muhlestein.

When the arteries become inflamed, it destabilizes the layers of plaque that have accumulated over the years. The unstable plaque can become detached from the artery wall and cause a blockage that can lead to heart attack, stroke or death.

"The practical outcome of our study is that caregivers should be aware of the greater cardiovascular risks associated with respiratory infections such as pneumonia, especially bacterial pneumonia," said Dr. Muhlestein. "If a bacterial pneumonia has been diagnosed in a patient, treat it aggressively and monitor it closely for signs of heart attack or stroke. If the patient is taking specific medications for heart disease, such as high blood pressure or cholesterol, he should continue to take the prescribed medications. "

People with known plaque build-up should be particularly aware of what should be done to prevent respiratory infections. Dr. Muhlestein recommends getting a flu shot, pneumovax, proper handwashing all year (especially during the cold and flu season) and quitting immediately.

Posted: 12th November 2018 at 18:33

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