What is TCD, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? Selena Gomez treatment


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While Selena Gomez is seeking treatment for anxiety and depression, she would again resort to dialectical behavioral therapy.

The singer is currently undergoing a DBT, reported People, a type of psychological care she has already touted.

When Vogue described Gomez last year, the magazine described her as a "deep believer" in therapy.

"DBT has completely changed my life," Gomez said in the interview. "I would like more people to talk about therapy."

What is TCD?

Dialectical behavioral therapy is strongly based on cognitive behavioral therapy, or speech therapy, according to the National Alliance for Mental Illness.

It promotes both acceptance and change in a patient, which seems contradictory, hence the reference in his name to "dialectic," defined as the integration of opposites.

DBT was developed in the 1980s by Marsha Linehan, a professor of psychology at the University of Washington. She originally devised this approach to treating suicidal behavior, but has since expanded to the treatment of borderline personality disorder and other "serious and complex mental disorders," Linehan's biography said. She herself fought against mental illness and vowed to help and help others.

"I guess it's true that I developed a therapy that provides everything I've needed for so many years and I've never had," she said. New York Times.

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