What is the adenovirus, the virus that left 7 children dead

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The photo below shows a computer illustration of adenovirus showing the surface structure of the external protein envelope of the virus (capsid). The yellow protuberances are called penton fibers and are found at each of the 12 capsid peaks. Each fiber contains proteins that allow the virus to enter the target cell. (Photo: Getty Images)

It is somewhat appropriate that the pronunciation of the adenovirus somewhat resembles the virus "I do not know". After all, do you know the virus that infected at least 18 children and unfortunately left 6 dead in combat? Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, according to the New Jersey Department of Health?

Here is an ABC 7 report on the epidemic:

An updated ABC 7 report now indicates that a 7th child has passed away.

Although the virus does not often make headlines, adenovirus infections are actually quite common. You may not even know that you have been infected because you may not have any symptoms. If you have symptoms, they may have only 3 to 5 days of mild respiratory symptoms, such as sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, cough, headache, fever and chills. So, this "cold" or "flu" that you thought you might have could actually be an adenovirus infection. In some cases, an adenoviral airway infection may result in inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis) or lungs (pneumonia).

Adenoviruses can also infect your eyes, causing inflammation of the front of your eyeball (conjunctivitis), also known as "pink eye". Your gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea occurs) and your bladder can also be infected with adenoviruses and make them unhappy. In rarer cases, adenoviruses can infect your brain and spinal cord, causing meningitis. When infections are more severe, the symptoms can last much longer, for example for weeks.

If your immune system is strong, adenovirus infections are usually not serious. However, a weakened immune system can increase the risk of infection, more serious illness and even death, as indicated in the Epidemic of Wanaque Center. Many children have serious health problems, which makes them much more vulnerable.

There are many types of adenovirus. Like the members of a football team, different types have different numbers. Adenovirus type 7 seems to be the culprit of Epidemic of Wanaque Center. Types 3, 4, 7 and 14 usually cause acute respiratory illness. Types 8, 19, 37, 53 and 54 tend to cause conjunctivitis. Types 40 and 41 may cause gastroenteritis.

General view of the marquee located outside the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. It was said at the facility that he could not accommodate any new patients until the end of the epidemic. Adenoviruses usually cause only mild diseases. (AP Photo / Julio Cortez)

Adenoviruses can infect you when they reach your eyes, nose or mouth. This can happen directly, for example, if you kiss an infected person or use your nose to turn a door handle infected with the virus. Another common way is to touch someone or something infected with the virus and then touch your face. The virus can also be suspended in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Adenoviruses could possibly appear in the stool of an infected person, which is another reason not to spread dirty diapers on your face. A less common mode of transmission is to swim in contaminated pool water, especially after someone has used the pool as a toilet bowl, which is unfortunately far more common than you think perhaps. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 14 days after your exposure to the virus. Even if you do not develop any symptoms, you can still eliminate the virus and infect others.

There is no specific treatment for adenovirus infections. Taking antibiotics will not do anything except to destroy the beneficial bacteria in your intestines. And do not pay attention to so-called adenovirus treatments that have no real scientific basis, but are spreading on the Internet just like the adenovirus.

How do you prevent adenovirus infection? If you want a vaccine against the adenovirus, you will have to join the army. The vaccine for types 4 and 7 that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2011 is currently only available to US military personnel.

Right now, your options for preventing adenovirus infections are to wash your hands frequently and carefully, to stop getting dirty fingers in your nose and to prevent anything that has touched the virus from getting away. of your face. Make sure health facilities have good infection control measures. The announcement from the New Jersey Department of Health indicated that "tThe team on Sunday discovered minor deficiencies in handwashing and the health department continues to work closely with the facility on infection control issues. "

In addition, tell sick people to stay at home instead of going to work or to school. Otherwise, the adenovirus could soon become a virus to know.


The photo below shows a computer illustration of adenovirus showing the surface structure of the external protein envelope of the virus (capsid). The yellow protuberances are called penton fibers and are found at each of the 12 capsid peaks. Each fiber contains proteins that allow the virus to enter the target cell. (Photo: Getty Images)

It is somewhat appropriate that the pronunciation of the adenovirus somewhat resembles the virus "I do not know". After all, do you know the virus that infected at least 18 children and unfortunately left 6 dead in combat? Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, according to the New Jersey Department of Health?

Here is an ABC 7 report on the epidemic:

An updated ABC 7 report now indicates that a 7th child has passed away.

Although the virus does not often make headlines, adenovirus infections are actually quite common. You may not even know that you have been infected because you may not have any symptoms. If you have symptoms, they may have only 3 to 5 days of mild respiratory symptoms, such as sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, cough, headache, fever and chills. So, this "cold" or "flu" that you thought you might have could actually be an adenovirus infection. In some cases, an adenoviral airway infection may result in inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis) or lungs (pneumonia).

Adenoviruses can also infect your eyes, causing inflammation of the front of your eyeball (conjunctivitis), also known as "pink eye". Your gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea occurs) and your bladder can also be infected with adenoviruses and make them unhappy. In rarer cases, adenoviruses can infect your brain and spinal cord, causing meningitis. When infections are more severe, the symptoms can last much longer, for example for weeks.

If your immune system is strong, adenovirus infections are usually not serious. However, a weakened immune system can increase the risk of infection, more serious illness and even death, as indicated in the Epidemic of Wanaque Center. Many children have serious health problems, which makes them much more vulnerable.

There are many types of adenovirus. Like the members of a football team, different types have different numbers. Adenovirus type 7 seems to be the culprit of Epidemic of Wanaque Center. Types 3, 4, 7 and 14 usually cause acute respiratory illness. Types 8, 19, 37, 53 and 54 tend to cause conjunctivitis. Types 40 and 41 may cause gastroenteritis.

General view of the marquee located outside the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. It was said at the facility that he could not accommodate any new patients until the end of the epidemic. Adenoviruses usually cause only mild diseases. (AP Photo / Julio Cortez)

Adenoviruses can infect you when they reach your eyes, nose or mouth. This can happen directly, for example, if you kiss an infected person or use your nose to turn a door handle infected with the virus. Another common way is to touch someone or something infected with the virus and then touch your face. The virus can also be suspended in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Adenoviruses could possibly appear in the stool of an infected person, which is another reason not to spread dirty diapers on your face. A less common mode of transmission is to swim in contaminated pool water, especially after someone has used the pool as a toilet bowl, which is unfortunately far more common than you think perhaps. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 14 days after your exposure to the virus. Even if you do not develop any symptoms, you can still eliminate the virus and infect others.

There is no specific treatment for adenovirus infections. Taking antibiotics will not do anything except to destroy the beneficial bacteria in your intestines. And do not pay attention to so-called adenovirus treatments that have no real scientific basis, but are spreading on the Internet just like the adenovirus.

How do you prevent adenovirus infection? If you want a vaccine against the adenovirus, you will have to join the army. The vaccine for types 4 and 7 that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2011 is currently only available to US military personnel.

Right now, your options for preventing adenovirus infections are to wash your hands frequently and carefully, to stop getting dirty fingers in your nose and to keep away anything that may have touched the virus. . Make sure health facilities have good infection control measures. The announcement from the New Jersey Department of Health indicated that "tThe team on Sunday discovered minor deficiencies in handwashing and the health department continues to work closely with the facility on infection control issues. "

In addition, tell sick people to stay at home instead of going to work or to school. Otherwise, the adenovirus could soon become a virus to know.

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