What is the ‘death comet,’ and when will it be here?


Radar images from the National Science Foundation’s Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, taken on Oct. 30, 2015. Image credit: NAIC-Arecibo/NSF 

There’s so much cool stuff in outer space that nobody has to make anything up. But sometimes they can’t resist a little hyperbole.

Thus the new round of headlines about the “skull-shaped death comet.”

Three years ago, actual astronomers were excited about Asteroid 2015 TB145. It was going to come close (by astronomical standards): about 300,000 miles, or  1.3 times the distance from the Earth to the moon. And it was pretty big, about a quarter-mile across.

The excitement spilled over into some whimsy in a pair of press releases from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Because it was going to be closest to Earth on Halloween 2015, one release dubbed it “the Great Pumpkin,” and a subsequent one pointed out its “eerie resemblance to a skull.” (Bit of a stretch, but it has a smooth cranium-like structure and some eye-socket-like dents beneath.)

One piece of actual science played into the Halloween theme: TB145 was believed to be a “dead comet” — that is, a comet that has, over the eons, lost its “volatiles,” the ice and gases that produce the tail.

So: Halloween 2015. The asteroid came and went, as asteroids do.

Three years later, it’s coming back. It’s nowhere as close — 105 “Earth-moon distances,” rather than 1.3 —  and it’s nearest on Nov. 11, almost two weeks after Halloween. But there are these vaguely skull-like images, and “death comet” is irresistible.

Meanwhile, NASA has moved on to a fresh angle for this Halloween. There’s a newly discovered dwarf planet out there, and it’s nicknamed the Goblin.

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