What Kavanaugh audiences tell us about America


<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Cheryl Benard"data-reactid =" 22 ">Cheryl Benard

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The Ford / Kavanaugh hearing revealed that Americans needed to be more resilient.

What Kavanaugh audiences tell us about America

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Many things were said during the Audiences of Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but the only word that resonated in my mind as I listened is missing, both literally and on the bottom: resilience. This word came to me insincerely when I heard Ford, a professor at a world-renowned university, declare himself "terrified" of speaking in front of a perfectly serene and courteous public. I thought about resilience when I heard Ford describe an admittedly unpleasant but not very exceptional experience: partying, drunk boys, boys behaving badly, a girl who moves away before any other harm is done. Ford described these cases as traumatizing enough to deform the rest of his life, send him to therapy, and force him to put two doors in front of her. Resilience came to my mind as well when I saw Kavanaugh make a scandalous and repressed speech visibly reprobate, before sinking into a state of almost-tears, including long pauses during which he could not speak but had to go through all kinds of contortions to try to pull themselves together. Resilience was a characteristic that was not exposed that day by any of these people. "Data-reactid =" 26 ">Many things were said during the Audiences of Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but the only word that resonated in my mind as I listened is missing, both literally and on the bottom: resilience. This word came to me insincerely when I heard Ford, a professor at a world-renowned university, declare himself "terrified" of speaking in front of a perfectly serene and courteous public. I thought about resilience when I heard Ford describe an admittedly unpleasant but not very exceptional experience: partying, drunk boys, boys behaving badly, a girl who moves away before any other harm is done. Ford described these cases as traumatizing enough to deform the rest of his life, send him to therapy, and force him to put two doors in front of her. Resilience came to my mind as well when I saw Kavanaugh make a scandalous and repressed speech visibly reprobate, before sinking into a state of almost-tears, including long pauses during which he could not speak but had to go through all kinds of contortions to try to pull themselves together. Resilience was a characteristic that was not exposed that day by any of these people.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "here is the definition of resilience is the ability to successfully cope with a crisis and quickly return to the pre-crisis state. Resilience exists when the person uses mental processes and behaviors, enhances their personal assets, and protects a person from the potential negative effects of stressors. "Data-reactid =" 27 ">here is the definition of resilience is the ability to successfully cope with a crisis and quickly return to the pre-crisis state. Resilience exists when the person uses mental processes and behaviors, enhances their personal assets, and protects a person from the potential negative effects of stressors.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "I'm not saying that "boys behaving badly" is something we should accept as natural and eternal. I do not even say – although I'm honest, I have to admit the idea came to my mind – that words like "terrified" and "traumatic" and "damaged for life" may apply to be better at other situations. For example, Yazidi women who spent a year in slavery were divided into ISIS fighters, civilians trapped in Mosul, or villagers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo who are not simply raped by activists but who are then cut internally with the bayonet. These people can claim to be terrified, they carry sequels for life and resist. They pull themselves together and move forward. I know that situations are not comparable. Those who live in the West expect a higher level of personal security. In addition, "happiness and despair, there is no measure," and if Professor Ford says she is terrified and traumatized, that's her right, and if Judge Kavanaugh is overwhelmed, then, yes, men have the right to cry."data-reactid =" 28 ">I'm not saying that "boys behaving badly" is something we should accept as natural and eternal. I do not even say – although I'm honest, I have to admit the idea came to my mind – that words like "terrified" and "traumatic" and "damaged for life" may apply to be better at other situations. For example, Yazidi women who spent a year in slavery were divided into ISIS fighters, civilians trapped in Mosul, or villagers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo who are not simply raped by activists but who are then cut internally with the bayonet. These people can claim to be terrified, they carry sequels for life and resist. They pull themselves together and move forward. I know that situations are not comparable. Those who live in the West expect a higher level of personal security. In addition, "happiness and despair, there is no measure," and if Professor Ford says she is terrified and traumatized, that's her right, and if Judge Kavanaugh is overwhelmed, then, yes, men have the right to cry.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "But personally, the idea that young American soldiers suffering from PTSD have seen their comrades explode in front of them and the wounded young men and women I met with Walter Reed, whose children now have a parent without arms. to hug them, would have given me a break if I had to testify. I would have paused before choosing to occupy all day Congress with an experience that I had experienced at a party thirty five years ago. I may have kept my eyes dry despite the embarrassing stress to which my family was subjected. applied for the honor and power to sit on the Supreme Court."data-reactid =" 29 ">But personally, the idea that young American soldiers suffering from PTSD have seen their comrades explode in front of them and the wounded young men and women I met with Walter Reed, whose children now have a parent without arms. to hug them, would have given me a break if I had to testify. I would have paused before choosing to occupy all day Congress with an experience that I had experienced at a party thirty five years ago. I may have kept my eyes dry despite the embarrassing stress to which my family was subjected. applied for the honor and power to sit on the Supreme Court.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "And then there is this little thing called reality. One reality is that boys and men are often sexually aggressive towards girls and women. At what frequency? Very often. So, if you are a girl or a woman, be aware and have a plan and maybe a pepper spray. Another reality is that the political process in the United States has become vicious, contradictory and partisan flawless, and will not spare your family or your feelings. Treat the heat or stay out of the kitchen."data-reactid =" 30 ">And then there is this little thing called reality. One reality is that boys and men are often sexually aggressive towards girls and women. At what frequency? Very often. So, if you are a girl or a woman, be aware and have a plan and maybe a pepper spray. Another reality is that the political process in the United States has become vicious, contradictory and partisan flawless, and will not spare your family or your feelings. Treat the heat or stay out of the kitchen.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The day after the hearings, I came across this passage an article: "They do not grow up learning to recognize predators or predatory behavior. This so-called "naivety of prey" makes them easy choices. It looked like a very specific description of young women going to fraternal parties, allowing themselves to consume large quantities of alcohol concocted with unknown ingredients, getting into cars with men they do not know and then end up in dangerous and unpleasant situations that they can not control. "data-reactid =" 31 ">The day after the hearings, I came across this passage an article: "They do not grow up learning to recognize predators or predatory behavior. This so-called "naivety of prey" makes them easy choices. It looked like a very specific description of young women going to fraternal parties, allowing themselves to consume large quantities of alcohol concocted with unknown ingredients, getting into cars with men they do not know and then end up in dangerous and unpleasant situations that they can not control.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The article was not really about it, though. It was an exciting new approach invented by wildlife conservation experts, who spoke of black-footed ferrets and other cute, furry and endangered animals. The new method, called the Wildlife Training Camp, aims to improve the chances of survival of animals whose constitution inclines them to passivity. This is done by teaching them to be alert to predators, aware of their environment and ready to take defensive measures to prevent them from being eaten. I submit that's what our girls-And apparently, our candidates for the Supreme Court – need. You have to tell them it's a jungle in which you have to learn to avoid danger. They must be told to defend themselves in case of attack; and if that fails, you pick up and continue. "data-reactid =" 34 ">The article was not really about it, though. It was an exciting new approach invented by wildlife conservation experts, who spoke of black-footed ferrets and other cute, furry and endangered animals. The new method, called the Wildlife Training Camp, aims to improve the chances of survival of animals whose constitution inclines them to passivity. This is done by teaching them to be alert to predators, aware of their environment and ready to take defensive measures to prevent them from being eaten. I submit that's what our girls-And apparently, our candidates for the Supreme Court – need. You have to tell them it's a jungle in which you have to learn to avoid danger. They must be told to defend themselves in case of attack; and if that fails, rise up and go on.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "I submit that we should study the example of Elizabeth Smart. Abducted at the age of fourteen by a crazy couple, she was imprisoned at the tip of a knife, imprisoned for nine months, raped every day and regularly threatened with death. After being released, she says, her mother told her that the best way to take revenge on her captors was to be happy, which she chose to follow. She is now a charming and successful woman with a profession, a charity, a husband and children and the admiration of her community. She came out victorious and not victim. "Data-reactid =" 35 ">I submit that we should study the example of Elizabeth Smart. Abducted at the age of fourteen by a crazy couple, she was imprisoned at the tip of a knife, imprisoned for nine months, raped every day and regularly threatened with death. After being released, she says, her mother told her that the best way to take revenge on her captors was to be happy, which she chose to follow. She is now a charming and successful woman with a profession, a charity, a husband and children and the admiration of her community. She came out victorious and not victim.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Another example is Jason McMillan, paralyzed in a wheelchair after protecting his girlfriend during the shooting in Las Vegas. He has something to cry about, but that's not what he does. He gets married, buys a puppy and takes specialized scuba diving lessons. He developed a personal mantra, he says, to "reflect his resilience: to adapt and to have fun". "Data-reactid =" 36 ">Another example is Jason McMillan, paralyzed in a wheelchair after protecting his girlfriend during the shooting in Las Vegas. He has something to cry about, but that's not what he does. He gets married, buys a puppy and takes specialized scuba diving lessons. He developed a personal mantra, he says, to "reflect his resilience: to adapt and to have fun".

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Should a 15-year-old girl be able to attend a non-chaperoned party in which alcohol is consumed, with some guys from a private school who have a bad reputation for the behavior of a frat boy, without fear of to be groped? Yes, should it be a better world if the adorable little black-footed ferrets were not torn by evil foxes? Yes, it would be. And peace in the world would be good and the end of poverty would be nice, and Muslims and Jews living in harmony in the Middle East would be splendid. But it's not the planet we live on. Let us work on these things, by all means. But in the meantime, let's be smart, cultivate the sense of perspective and keep our cool."data-reactid =" 37 ">Should a 15-year-old girl be able to attend a non-chaperoned party in which alcohol is consumed, with some guys from a private school who have a bad reputation for the behavior of a frat boy, without fear of to be groped? Yes, should it be a better world if the adorable little black-footed ferrets were not torn by evil foxes? Yes, it would be. And peace in the world would be good and the end of poverty would be nice, and Muslims and Jews living in harmony in the Middle East would be splendid. But it's not the planet we live on. Let us work on these things, by all means. But in the meantime, let's be smart, cultivate the sense of perspective and keep our cool.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Cheryl Benard is a former program director at RAND Corporation."data-reactid =" 38 ">Cheryl Benard is a former program director at RAND Corporation.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Image: Reuters"data-reactid =" 39 ">Image: Reuters

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