A second caravan of migrants of about 1,000 people reached southern Mexico. The first big caravan is about 250 miles ahead. (October 30)

A caravan of Central American migrants continues its journey north on Wednesday after reaching the state of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico, far from the US-Mexico border. The caravan remains a burning issue in the United States, where President Donald Trump seized the mass of migrants for a mid-term election campaign. Earlier this week, the Pentagon announced at least 5,200 US troops on active service will be heading to the border to reach about 2,100 National Guards.

Here is what we know about the latest developments on the caravan and the administration's plan to treat migrants as it approaches the US-Mexico border.

Where is the caravan?

On Tuesday, the migrants were still close to 1,000 miles – and in a few weeks – from the closest entrance to the US-Mexico border in McAllen, Texas. They had reached Juchitán de Zaragoza, a town of 75,000 inhabitants located in the state of Oaxaca. From Juchitan, the caravan should head to the town of Ixtepec, about 10 km away.

When will the caravan arrive at the US border?

That's what everyone guesses. The caravan started on October 12 with about 120 migrants gathered in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, near the Guatemalan border. The migrants have already crossed Guatemala and are currently crossing southern Mexico.

The coordinators of Pueblo Sin Fronteras claim that the caravan operates without hierarchy, but by consensus. It is still more than 2,100 miles from Tijuana, which, according to the coordinators, is their ultimate destination.

102918-migrant caravan-map_Online (Photo: USA TODAY & # 39; HUI)

How many people are in the caravan?

The Mexican government estimates that there are fewer than 4,000 migrants walking, while those assisting them say that there are 10,000. The Mexican authorities have reported that at least 1,700 migrants of the caravan had applied for asylum or refugee status in their country, while nearly 200 were offered help after choosing to voluntarily return home.

Where does the caravan come from?

Most migrants are fleeing Honduras. They described the worsening economic, political and crime-related situation in their country led by President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who was re-elected in November by a vote that many Hondurans believe to have been tainted by fraud but recognized by the United States.

There are also migrants from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala. The Attorney General of El Salvador, Douglas Meléndez Ruíz, told Tuesday at "PBS NewsHour" through a translator that gang-related violent activity left few options to young people.

"Young people have no job or education opportunities, so two things happen: first, become a gang member or, secondly, emigrate to other countries, mainly to the United States. corruption leads to both, "he said.

What happens when they arrive at the border?

This is not clear. Many migrants say they intend to apply for asylum when they arrive in the United States; they also asked for asylum in Mexico. The Trump administration is studying ways to restrict or totally block the ability of migrants to enter the country, including by denying them asylum.

In the spring, during a similar caravan, migrants who reached the US border applied for asylum. Three-three percent passed the first test on the asylum track, demonstrating that they had a "credible fear" of returning home.

By traveling in groups, the people who train these caravans hope to avoid the bandits, traffickers and other dangers that often await migrants during their journey.

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What will US military troops do?

Troops are not expected to carry out law enforcement activities. Instead, they will provide relief support to Border Border Enforcement Officers.

On Friday, Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Kevin McAleenan visited the southern entry points in San Diego and explained how additional troops would contribute to border security.

McAleenan, who described the caravan that advertises as a "law enforcement situation", acknowledged that, despite the additional labor, his agency had no to speed up the process by which migrants can legally apply for asylum.

CBP officers in riot gear on Monday morning blocked the Paso Del Norte International Bridge in downtown El Paso to prepare for the migrant caravan, El Paso Times reported. The show of force was part of the "operational readiness for the potential impact of the caravan," said Roger Maier, spokesman for the customs and border protection service.

More: How will Mexico's next president deal with migrant caravans? The city's answer may offer a clue

More: Who feeds the thousands of migrants from Central America in the caravan that Trump wants to stop?

More: Pentagon deploys 5,000 active-duty troops on southern border to end migrant caravan

More: Nielsen: Trump considers "all options" to prevent migrant caravan from reaching the border

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