"What would you give your life for?": Michael Moore warns of the fight to save Trump's democracy


Of all the pebbles of President Trump's shoe, Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has sucked – since before the first day – to be one of the most remarkable.

Moore asked Trump to step aside – even before Trump took office. He witnessed protests and vowed that Trump "will not last these four years". He has staged his own solo piece in New York that does not hide his goal with his motto: "Can a Broadway show upset a president?"

If that was the beginning of the charge of Moore against an anti-Trump Hill, he is at his peak now, nearly a year and a half in the Trump presidency.

In an appearance on HBO "Real Time" On Friday night, Moore told host Bill Maher that American democracy was about to be extinguished. He responded, in part, to a request from Maher who asked whether a "civil war" could be imminent in the United States.

"Fascism is on the doorstep," began Moore.

Coup de State – …, "Interrupted by Maher

" People are scared to use the word, but I think we have to be very serious about it, "continued Moore. "[Franklin Delano Roosevelt] and [Winston] Churchill defeated fascism. … If they defeated fascism, look what we have. We have a country where the vast majority believe in women's rights, in the environment, and do not put people in jail for using drugs. All of these things, the majority are with us. We are the majority. Why not start acting like the majority? "

Moore lamented the Democratic approaches used to fight against Trump and his policy, saying the president would never give up on issues like detaining migrant families for long periods of time or wanting to build a wall at the US border. -Mexican.

"It's the beauty and genius of Trump and why you have to step back for a moment and admire it as Patton admired Rommel. This Trump – when he says he's going to do something, he'll do it, "Moore said." They're never going to stop. And we never act like that on the things we say we believe. They are relentless, they are in the heart, and we are like, oh … "

Moore stopped before pretending to drift and started singing a melodious version of" Somewhere Over the Rainbow. "

"And that's how we are," said Moore, perhaps in reference to many public figures who lament the state of civility in politics. "And we must stop."

Moore's representatives could not not be immediately contacted Saturday to comment

On Maher's show, Moore called the people to march on Washington to prevent Congress from voting on a new Supreme Court justice – one that will take the place of Judge Anthony M. Kennedy, who announced his retirement last week – before the mid-term elections in November.

Now is 51-49. Unfortunately, McCain will not be able to vote, so it's a 50-49 vote. Let's go there. Come on. We must repel it until November, "said Moore." We must first find ways to prevent this vote from happening. I join a million other people surrounding the United States Capitol. "

He also urged those who felt too busy joining these demonstrations to remember the sacrifices of civil rights activist Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

What are people willing to do "What would you give your life?", said Moore. "What would you be willing to really put yourself online? This moment is now. We will lose our democracy if we have not already done it.We have no choice, my friends. all of us get up. "

Although Moore was ostensibly on Maher's show to promote his upcoming film," Fahrenheit 11/9 "- another anti-Trump project – he did not dive too deeply into the Friday night. 19659019] "We will not plug anything in here," Moore told Maher when asked about the film. "I'm finishing my film and getting it out before mid-session because I want millions of people to go to the polls."

In May, Moore hinted at several things about his upcoming social media project. years ago when Trump and he appeared on a show with Roseanne Barr.

In the 1998 clip, Trump tells Moore that he hopes that it's never the subject of one of Moore's documentaries

"I know Roseanne." I know Trump, "Moore tweeted today." And they are about to regret the day they met me. … "

The appearance of Moore in the Maher show, with his next film, is only one of the many anti-Trump statements that the filmmaker made in recent years.

Before the election day 2016, Moore was one of the few to predict Donald Trump was going to win.Tended to be a surprise in October, the filmmaker has released "Michael Moore in TrumpLand", a pro-Hillary Clinton's hasty monologue that vehemently criticized the Republican presidential candidate.

Trump's victory, Moore shouted in the movie, would be a few weeks later, Trump was elected.

A few days After the 2016 presidential election, Moore showed up at Trump Tower with a film crew and a note for Trump that said, "You lost, put yourself aside."

Michael Moore attends Turner Networks 2018 Upfront at One Penn Plaza on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, in N ew York. (Evan Agostini / Invision / AP)

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"I'm your last distraction": Michael Moore returns after Trump dissected his Broadway show

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