What you need to know about antidepressant withdrawal


(Photo: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

When you make the decision to start taking antidepressants, it is unlikely that you are already thinking about how you are going to stop.

While some of us intend to take medicine for a difficult time, others ask for help after years of miserable life and are too grateful to find something to help us think when you will drop it.

A good doctor or psychiatrist will discuss with you your long-term plans for antidepressants, asking how long you plan to take them and clearly explaining that stopping suddenly is risky.

But thanks to the overwork of the NHS and the difficulty of getting an appointment, not everyone has this experience. Many people feel alone about taking their medication without any extra support. When they decide that they no longer want to take medicine, they stop abruptly. This can have disastrous consequences.

A new review suggests that millions of people experience negative side effects by trying to reduce antidepressants or eliminate them completely.

The multiparty parliamentary group on prescription drug addiction says that about half of the patients will experience withdrawal symptoms and that for half of them the symptoms will be severe.

The review warns of anxiety, sleep problems and possible hallucinations, and tells stories of people suffering from brain zaps and insomnia.

The researchers urge doctors to properly inform patients of the risks of withdrawal symptoms, noting that side effects can last for weeks, months or longer.

All this sounds a little scary – but that should not stop you from taking antidepressants if you think you are making the right choice, or trying to accept antidepressants in the first place.

If you plan to stop antidepressants, be aware of some important steps.

1. Talk to your doctor

People who experience withdrawal symptoms are often those who take antidepressants without the help of a health professional.

It is essential to talk to the person who prescribes your medicine to help you develop the best plan to stop taking it.

A good general practitioner will check your medication plans every time he prescribes you, but if not, be sure to approach them. If you want to stop taking antidepressants, the better you plan, the better.

Ask your doctor for a removal plan and make sure they are available in case of a problem.

(Photo: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

2. Understand why you want to get rid of antidepressants

It is important.

The decision to stop taking medication is an important decision and should not be taken lightly.

Have a serious reflection across Why you want to stop taking medication. Are they no longer working and your depression is coming back? Do you think you have enough social support to stop needing medication? A particularly stressful moment has passed?

If your depression is in remission or you feel like you've come out of a difficult time, it's a good time to think about stopping antidepressants.

The return or intensification of depression may mean that a change of medication or dosage is a better choice.

If crazy side effects make you doubt your medications, an exchange of different antidepressants might help.

Feeling that something is wrong with taking medication or that you are failing because you are still dependent on medication is not a reason to quit, but to discuss how you feel with a health professional health.

Make sure your decision is well thought out and discussed with your doctor. If your reasons are foolhardy and on a whim, take a break before doing anything.

3. Do not stop abruptly

A sudden withdrawal may cause withdrawal symptoms or a rapid return of symptoms of depression. Stopping immediately without anyone knowing that what you are doing is dangerous and we do not recommend it.

It is not necessary to take a long time to stop antidepressants, but depending on your dosage and the type of medication you are taking, your doctor may recommend that you reduce the dose in the next few months.

Many doctors suggest that you take antidepressants during the summer months, when you are less likely to be affected by SAD, and recommend that you plan to stop treatment six months in advance.

"[Stopping antidepressants] The clinical decision is complex and needs to be discussed with your GP, "says Dr. Cosmo Hallstrom, psychiatrist, at Metro.co.uk.

"Most patients take the medications, get better, and then feel they do not need those medications anymore and stop taking them without medical advice. they run the risk of relapse and then think that the drug has not been beneficial.

"The advice is to continue taking the medication for six months after you feel completely well to avoid relapse."

(Photo: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

4. Do not confuse the return of depression with withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms exist, but they are less and less common thanks to the anti-psychological drugs. Antidepressants do not create dependency and common types such as fluoxetine (Prozac) are designed to stay longer in the body, so a sudden stop is not a shock.

What patients often feel is the return of depression rather than withdrawal symptoms.

The difference between these two factors is that the withdrawal symptoms will disappear in a few weeks or months. They tend to be "brain zaps" (feeling of electric shock), dizziness and insomnia.

The return of depression will cause symptoms similar to those you had before taking medication.

In both cases, do not suffer in silence – talk to a health professional. If depression has returned, it is crucial to prepare a treatment plan that will replace your antidepressants, while withdrawal symptoms may require a slower dose reduction.

5. Some medications are more likely to cause withdrawal symptoms

"Seroxat (Paroxetine) is supposed to be the worst," says Dr. Hallstrom. "Prozac (fluoxetine) is the least likely drug [to cause withdrawal symptoms] because it stays longer in the body and leaves the body more slowly and more slowly. "

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of getting rid of a particular type of antidepressant before you start taking it. If your symptoms are severe, you may have been prescribed a more effective treatment, which also requires a more detailed withdrawal plan. Be informed from the beginning to get the support you need at the time of shutdown.

More: Health

6. It is important to put in place other forms of support

If you have been using antidepressants to stay mentally healthy for a long time, you may have jumped on other useful elements: therapy, social support, restful sleep, healthy eating, and healthy eating. ;exercise. If the drugs work, you can drop the other stuff, right?

When taking anti-depressants, it's important to make sure that you have supports to fill the void left by medications.

Know that you may feel a mood pang as you reduce your medications. Get ready and make sure your lifestyle is as healthy as it was before.

7. talk to someone

Never, ever, stop secretly taking medication.

It is essential to tell your loved ones that you are taking antidepressants so that they know how to monitor for withdrawal symptoms or the return of mental illness.

Talk to your doctor, but also invite a family member to explain what to do if they see you in trouble.

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