What your body tells you when you wake up at night


One minute, you are in the land of the head, you sleep peacefully and dream of chocolate cake, the next day you are awake in the middle of the night and going back to sleep seems to be a distant dream, uh, uh.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "If it sounds familiar, you are certainly not alone, a recent study published in Sleep medicine estimates that about a third of adults wake up at night at least three times a week and that more than 40% of those who have 3 in the morning may find it difficult to fall asleep again. "Data-reactid =" 23 "> If this sounds familiar to you, you're certainly not the only one, a recent study, published in Sleep medicine estimates that about one-third of adults wake up at night at least three times a week and that over 40% of those who sleep at 3 am may have difficulty falling asleep again.

Although you can crack a bit in the middle of the night, it can have quite serious consequences on your health, both physically and mentally.

But what does your body try to tell you when you wake up in the middle of the night? And how can you stop that?

We consulted sleep experts to find out what led you to the Wide Awake club and how to give up your membership so you could have a good night's sleep.

You are stressed

Stress and anxiety can absolutely wake you up in the middle of the night. "A broken sleep or an inability to fall asleep is recognized as a symptom of depression and general anxiety disorder. As a result, if your sleep is persistently disrupted, your body may try to warn you that your mental health is suffering, "says Abie Taylor-Spencer, a technician with Smart TMS, a mental health clinic specializing in transcranial magnetic stimulation. . .

So why does stress cause you to wake up in the middle of the night?

"When your body is feeling anxious, the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are released, resulting in physical symptoms such as tension, alertness, and an accelerated heartbeat. This high level of arousal makes relaxation difficult and reduces the ability to fall or stay in a restful sleep. "

If you think that mental health problems are affecting your sleep, Abie suggests consulting your general practitioner who may be able to arrange a treatment plan, which may include cognitive-behavioral therapy. If sleep problems persist, they could even direct you to a sleep clinic.

Your room is too cold, too hot, too bright

You may think that you are taking all the steps to make sure you sleep well, but so many people neglect the most obvious thing, their sleeping environment. "A good environment is essential for getting a restful, deep sleep. That means everything from the right light and temperature in your room to the comfort of the mattress, "says Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, sleep expert at Silentnight.

"Make your room a soothing space in which you really want to spend time, I guarantee you will sleep better."

This cup of tea could have an impact on your sleep [Photo: Getty]

You have drunk too much caffeine

This afternoon, the espresso may have seemed necessary at the time, but it could result in a night awakening. "The half-life of caffeine is about five hours, which means that if you drink at 5 pm, you will still have half that amount of blood at 10 am," says Dr. Ramlakhan. "You will probably not feel energized at 10:00 pm, but caffeine is still in your system and you can not sleep well."

If you have trouble sleeping or waking up, tired, no matter how long you sleep, Dr. Ramlakhan suggests reducing your caffeine intake and drinking more water, diluted herbal teas and juices.

You worry about getting enough sleep

"Feeling the need to constantly check the time is the biggest disrupter of sleep, but for many of us, it's a habit that's hard to break," says Dr. Ramlakhan. "If you wake up in the night and instantly check the time, you will probably calculate the number of hours that you have left before the morning and worry about how much sleep you are missing."

This leads to a cycle of wakefulness, stress and sleepless sleep and it is a terrible cycle in which to engage. "Watching the hour obsessively will only make you more stressed and less fit to let go. Of course, use your phone as an alarm clock, but fight the urge to check it every time you wake up at night. "

You can not wait until the morning to pee

Always get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom? You may have a condition called nocturia – described by the NHS as being the frequent need to get up during the night to urinate. And it's pretty common. A study by the International Neurology Journal revealed that of the 856 respondents, about 23% of women and 29% of men presented with nocturia.

According to the NHS, the causes of nocturia include excessive fluid intake before bedtime, urinary tract infections and overactive bladder. Diabetes may also be a factor because too much blood sugar causes your body to draw out liquids from your tissues, which makes you thirsty and possibly makes you drink and pee more.

If reducing your fluid intake in the evening does not reduce the number of your nights out in the bathroom, it may be helpful to consult a doctor for further explanations.

Could your bladder wake you up? [Photo: Getty]

You use technology too close to bedtime

This parchment of Insta before bedtime may cause you to wake up at night. "Our energy tends to be in cycles of 60 to 90 minutes and the cycle just before bed is essential for good sleep," says Dr. Ramlakhan. "When light levels go down at night, our circadian timer turns on and stimulates the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone. However, the use of technology before going to bed disrupts this natural process. "

Dr. Ramlakhan explains that the screens of phones and tablets emit blue light that inhibits melatonin production by the pineal gland of the brain and stimulates the production of dopamine, which allows us to feel alert and "on".

To avoid feeling awake, she recommends an electronic sundowner 60 to 90 minutes before going to bed. "It will recalibrate your circadian rhythm and allow your brain to relax and get ready for sleep," she says.

You drank alcohol before going to bed

You may think that some pinots will help you get away, but alcohol can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. A recent study found that alcohol consumption at higher doses reduced the amount of REM sleep and resulted in less sleep during the second half of the night.

The same study also appeared to negatively affect the part of the brain that usually controls the body during sleep. The researchers concluded that alcohol had disrupted the restorative effects of sleep.

So, if you are looking for quality rest throughout the night, it is worthwhile to reduce your alcohol intake.

You are on break at the weekend

Of course, we all love to spend the night in a weekend, but this could affect your overall sleep and cause these awakenings at 3am. "Although I'm sure we're all guilty of sleeping on a Sunday morning, disrupting your schedule during the week is not conducive to good sleep hygiene," says Abie Taylor-Spencer.

She suggests establishing a routine in which you fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. So long Saturday morning to go to bed. "Ensuring the uniformity of your sleep patterns will allow your body to set an internal clock, fall asleep faster and avoid waking you up too much."

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