What's a vampire face? Spa clients may have been exposed to HIV during the procedure


Earlier this week, the New Mexico Department of Health issued an alert to people who received vampire facial treatments at an Albuquerque spa.

After a spa inspection on Sept. 7, the NMDOH determined that its hygiene practices did not meet the required standards and immediately closed them, according to a statement. The inspection was performed after a client developed an infection that could result from a procedure performed on the spot.

What's a vampire face and how dangerous is it?

A vampire facial treatment is another name for platelet-rich plasma therapy, an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery used by celebrities such as Kim Kardashian.

Once blood is collected, it is processed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma, a yellowish liquid component of the blood, red blood cells. The remaining plasma is then injected into the skin with the help of microneedles, which causes temporary bleeding on the face, hence its name.

According to the London Cosmetic Clinic, injections release growth factors, proteins and nutrients into platelets that stimulate skin cells.

Its practitioners claim that it rejuvenates the skin by increasing volume and reducing wrinkles and fine lines, while reducing the appearance of scars.

If the procedure is performed correctly, the risks are relatively low except for those who have blood-related medical problems, especially those who require blood thinning drugs. Bruising, swelling, redness, and pain may persist at the injection site, but these side effects usually disappear within a few days.

However, if the equipment used in the procedure is not properly sterilized, blood infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C can spread.

The American Cellular Medicine Association (ACMA), which certifies cosmetic surgeons to complete the procedure, issued a statement on this subject.

GettyImages-635485470 A poster promoting an anti-aging treatment at the luxurious Esteworld Clinic in Istanbul, February 15, 2017. Chris McGrath / Getty Images

"Qualified health professionals treat blood all day long without serious problems and this procedure is even safer since it is done with the patient's blood," he says. "But badly done", this can lead to "cross contamination".

The ACMA recommends using only cosmetic surgery professionals who have been certified to practice vampire facials.

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