What's behind the latest interviews with Trump and Rosenstein?


– No "witch hunt": Rosenstein called Robert Mueller's probe "appropriate and independent".

– "People have the right to be frustrated, I can accept that," he said. "But at the end of the day, the public will be assured that the evidence we presented is based on the arguments we presented and that it was an appropriate use of the evidence. resources."

– Rosenstein said: "I am trying very hard to ignore media speculation about what we are doing and to focus on what we actually do.We sit down everyday and we work for the goals. from the department and try to ignore the inevitable, attention in the media. "

– Rosenstein "declined to comment on a schedule for the completion of the Mueller probe."

HMMM: Rosenstein had no particular reason for giving this interview now. That said, Gurman's story does not suggest why he decided to speak. Maybe we'll find out one day …

In the meantime, here is the latest CNN survey on Mueller's investigation: "The people around Trump and other witnesses believe that other criminal charges will be brought by Mueller …" Insiders are waiting for "an active post-election period …"

Trump has a list …

Rosenstein is not the only one to be interviewed. White House President Trump said, "We communicate very well" – now that he gives interviews and talks to the press almost every day.

Trump has been reinvigorated by his media blitz in recent weeks, two White House officials told CNN's Jeremy Diamond. The W.H. is currently working on a list of outlets with which the president plans to sit before the mid-term elections. The list includes both friendly hosts like Fox's Stuart Varney, who pitched the softball at Trump on Wednesday, and mainstream media like the AP. "We have a list, and we're just trying to go through it," said a senior official. Here is our complete story …

BUT: Do not expect this amount of access to press

Trump's calculation is that the more he talks, the more successful the GOP will be on November 6th. Trump told Varney that he would probably not follow this pace of interviews after the semester. "We want to win, we want Republicans to be appointed and we want them elected," he said.

Interview n ° 37 with Fox

According to Mark Knoller, Varney's interview was the 37th for Fox News / Fox News / Fox News Radio. It's just since the day of the inauguration. Fox's total is to be compared with six interviews with the NYT, five with the WSJ, five with NBC News and CNBC, four with CBS News, two with ABC and zero with CNN.

So how many more Trump interviews will he give by November 6? "As much as we can adapt," said the top official at Diamond. "He loves talking, he has the impression of communicating with people, and he feels like he is giving you" in the media "what you want." Hey, the official has a point! Many members of the media have deplored Trump's fox-centered behavior in the past. Now he speaks with a wider variety of outlets. BUT: This approach to flooding the area has resulted in a flood of lies and pure and simple fantasies …

Thank you Rush!

At Wednesday's "Rush Limbaugh Show" show, Rush picked up some of my Sunday monologue that Trump would be "the biggest promoter of misinformation in the country." I said that access to POTUS is valuable, but "with Trump, the disadvantage of this access is that it says so many wrong things that it sows confusion and division" . Rush called me "little Brian", but hey, I hope I managed to reach some of his listeners …

The point remains the same: by saturating the airwaves and filling reporters' notebooks, Trump is spreading a lot of B.S. "He polluted our information ecosystem," Zurawik said in Sunday's show. "Trump can go on TV and say something incredibly stupid, something horrible in terms of foreign relations, and that is almost irrelevant because he talks about it now, and we let's always chase him. "

– FLASHBACK: Gary Kasparov tweeted in December 2016: "The goal of modern propaganda is not just to misinform or advance an agenda.It's exhausting your critical thinking," he said. To annihilate the truth. "

If you have not read it yet …

Check out the full transcript of Tuesday's AP interview with Trump. Imagine how Fox's prime-time programming would have reacted if Barack Obama said:

AP: "Why did not you visit a military base in a combat zone like Iraq and Afghanistan?"

Trump: "Well, I'll do it at some point, but I do not think it's too necessary.I've been very busy with everything that's happening here.We have the biggest economy …"

VF's Keegan to THR

Rebecca Keegan, VF correspondent in Hollywood and editor of the HWD Weekly newsletter, joins The Hollywood Reporter … Matt Belloni will announce her hiring on Thursday … She will be the THR chief editor for the film, covering business biz and more, write reports and analyzes


– NYT with the scoop: the last day of Don McGahn as W.H. the lawyer was Wednesday … (NYT)
– Read the latest news from Laura Hazard Owen on the "pivot to video": "Did the wrong data from Facebook drive news publishers to make terrible decisions about video?" (NiemanLab)
Read more about Wednesday's Reliable Sources newsletter … And subscribe here to receive future editions in your inbox …
– Marc Belisle, formerly of Reverb Press, said Facebook's purge of 559 pages – allegedly for breaking the rules against spam and for "unauthentically coordinated behavior" – is deeply troubling. "What Facebook calls" spam "behavior is actually a response to its own unexplained changes all the time …" (BuzzFeed)
– Food for the brain: questions / answers with Jill Abramson and Jane Mayer … (Harvard Gazette)
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