What's going on and what does it mean for Daredevil Season 3


Iron fist Season 2 was full of surprises in the season finale, even beyond Danny Rand. The episode is not content to watch where things are heading towards a potential Iron fist Season 3, but also showed the direction Daredevil Season 3 also continues. The latter came via a post-generic scene that unfolded right after the Netflix logo and showed Matt Murdock the bloody and beaten inside air of a confessional d & # 39; # 39; church.

Matt is back in his black suit that he wore before putting on his overweight suit and sporting bandages over his eyes, visible at the bottom of the mask. Matt is seen holding a rosary and is talking to or addressing someone who can not be seen. Regardless of who he is addressing, his words clearly show that it's not the Matt Murdock we've seen in previous seasons. Daredevil:

Yes, it looks like The defenders really made a number on Matt. This could be due to the fact that the building collapsed and Matt miraculously escaped Elektra, whose fate was unknown after the conclusion of the miniseries. Something like that would certainly put Matt in a desperate situation and might possibly aggravate his determination to be so noble in the fight against crime.

There is another possibility to consider because comic fans can remember the last scene in which Matt Murdock appeared before that. The scene found the Daredevil drive into a convent, and was set up to bear a striking resemblance to an iconic part of the cartoon "Born Again". The premise of this plot is that Kingpin discovers Daredevil's identity and goes to work destroying his life in every possible way. Maybe that's why Matt is committed to leaving behind his true identity in exchange for his hero, while the return to life of Matt Murdock could only put in danger the people he s & # 39; occupies.

This seems to be a good reason for Daredevil to leave Matt Murdock behind and a solid leadership to take Daredevil Season 3, although there are some holes to dig in the theory. For example, it has been established that many in the Marvel Netflix universe think that Matt is at best absent, but probably dead. With Matt leaving, it's hard to believe that Fisk would waste time and resources retaliating from those who are related to Murdock, even though he's very vindictive. If Matt still operates under the name Daredevil in Hell's Kitchen, it will probably not be long before people like Foggy and Karen realize he's back, which could put the villain back on the track. The people Matt cares about would probably agree when he had just disappeared, which probably means that Matt has other reasons to keep his hero job other than keeping his friends in. security.

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