What's happening in space policy from 28 October to 3 November 2018 – SpacePolicyOnline.com


Here is the list of space policy events organized by SpacePolicyOnline.com for the week of October 28 to November 3, 2018 and all the information we can give you about it. The House and Senate are suspended (except for pro forma sessions) until after the elections.

During the week

The National Academies Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics is meeting tomorrow (Monday) in a public session at the Beckman Center in Irvine, California. The meeting is available remotely via Zoom. Tom Young, committee member, will give an information session at 1:00 pm (Pacific time) on the James Webb Space Telescope Independent Review Panel, which he will chair. The IRB completed its report in May (released by NASA in June) and NASA reconvened its members in late November and early December to assess progress on its 32 recommendations. Much of the rest of the meeting is devoted to planning the next ten year survey of astronomy and astrophysics, which should begin very soon.

Also tomorrow, back in DC, CSIS will welcome astronaut Jeanette Epps for a conversation about international collaboration on manned spaceflight. Epps was assigned to a crew of the International Space Station (ISS) and trained in Russia, but was removed from the crew for reasons that were not publicly explained. She only said that health and family issues were not the reason and she did not know where the decision was coming from. She would have been the first African-American to join a shipping crew. She is now assigned to the ISS Operations Branch. She was replaced by Serena Auñón-Chancellor, who is currently aboard the ISS. The CSIS event will be webcast.

The FAA and the Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) will hold a conference in Washington tomorrow and Tuesday on how to integrate commercial space launches and receipts into the air traffic control system. National Airspace (NAS), a growing problem due to the magnitude and pace of commercial activities with other innovative uses of NAS such as drones. His program is fantastic with representatives from the FAA's commercial space transportation and air traffic control sectors, national and international organizations, and industry. Unfortunately, the organizers of the conference tell us that there will be no live broadcast, any other remote access or archived recordings.

This meeting will be followed by a meeting of the FAA's Advisory Committee on Commercial Space Transport (COMSTAC) on Wednesday and Thursday. The agenda does not specify whether there will be a webcast, but these meetings have already been broadcast live. If we get a link, we'll add it to our calendar item for that event. On Oct. 31, reports from Jared Stout of the National Space Board of the White House and Jason Crusan of the NASA Manned Space Flight Office, an update of the Reauthorization Act recently passed by the FAA, an update from Kelvin Coleman, Acting Assistant Administrator, and an introductory speech by Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao at 11:30 am ET. FAA Acting Administrator Daniel Elwell will speak on November 1. The reports of the COMSTAC working groups complete the remaining two days.

On a completely different topic, the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research will be held in Bethesda, Maryland from Wednesday to Saturday. Its sessions cover a wide range of biological and physical research topics that are ISS experimental topics and / or that are important for future exploration of the human space, such as radiation. On Saturday, Nanoracks and Blue Origin are hosting a session on how researchers can transfer their payloads into space. The agenda does not indicate if any of the sessions will be broadcast live or otherwise available remotely.

These and other events we have experienced since Sunday morning are listed below. Come back for the rest of the week for others, we will learn later and add to our schedule.

Monday, October 29

Monday-Tuesday, October 29-30

Monday-Wednesday, October 29-31

Monday-Friday October 29-November 2

Tuesday, October 30

Tuesday-Thursday, October 30-November 1

Wednesday, October 31

Wednesday-Thursday, October 31 to November 1

  • COMSTAC, DOT HQ, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC

Wednesday-Saturday October 31 to November 3

Thursday, November 1st

Thursday-Friday 1-2 November

Thursday-Saturday, from November 1st to 3rd

  • SpaceVision 2018 (SEDS), San Diego City and Country, 500 Circle N Hotel, San Diego, California

Friday, November 2

Saturday-Monday, November 3 to 5

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