What's on TV: "Under the Autumn Moon" and "Haunting of Hill House"


The love and leaves are in the air in "Under the Autumn Moon" and "Haunting of Hill House" horrifies Netflix.

CRIME OF LOVE AND HATE: A MURDER IN MISSISSIPPI 10 hours on the discovery investigation. The second installment of this BBC documentary series describes the murder of James Craig Anderson in 2011, which was stolen, beaten and crushed in Jackson, Missouri by a group of white teenagers. Through interviews with officials, Anderson's family, and the family of a teenage passenger in the vehicle used during the attack, the documentary examines modern hate and intolerance.

UNDER THE MOON IN AUTUMN 21h on the punch. Hallmark once again seems to deliver what he does best – combining the feeling and feelings of a holiday or season with the trials and tribulations of love. And this film does not seem to depart from the proven medal: Alex (Lindy Booth) is a candidate for a promotion in the outdoor business for which she works and finds herself on a ranch for dudes that could be a possible acquisition. There, she falls in love with the owner of the ranch (Wes Brown) as she rediscovers herself and discovers her connection with the outdoors.

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