When does Mars retrograde 2018 end? The summer is going to be interesting …


If you feel unusually tired or angry lately, then the fault may be in the stars (or the planets, in this case). Mars is retrograde, and that may mean that all sorts of weird things will soon fall. So, how long is Mars retrograde, and what does it mean for your daily life? This powerful planet could have an impact when it seems to change direction.

For 2018, Mars is downgraded from June 26 to August 27, as explained in Cafe Astrology. Although perhaps not as well known as the retrograde Mercury phenomenon, it's still a pretty important event for people who are in astrology. Mars only becomes retrograde once every two years, so it is a less common event, as noted by Armand Diaz of Integral Astrology.

Physically, the Mars planet continues its usual activities of orbiting the sun. He does not really back in the sky. But thanks to the relative positions of Mars and the Earth in their rotations around the Sun, it seems that Mars is backing up from Earth's point of view, as NASA's StarChild website explains. This is what is called a retrograde movement. It is a kind of optical illusion. Although modern astronomers understand the phenomenon very well, it is not the same for ancient astronomers. For them, it seemed that the planets would begin to retreat into their orbits, which caused real concern. Even today, many people still attribute strange circumstances to the apparent retrograde movement of a planet.

Before digging the meaning of his retrograde movement, it is important to understand what Mars means in an astrological context. Named for the god of war, Mars represents animal instincts, raw energy and action, according to the Astrology Café. It's about doing things, surviving and attracting attention.

So when this force is retrograde, it digs difficult things. "This retrograde reveals to us our own anger and the energy it takes to repress it, the destruction it creates when it is left unconscious, and the unfulfilled potential that awaits us when we do not engage in our passions and we are fighting for them, "said astrologer Chani Nicholas on his website. The problems of control and repression that you face can become clearer now.

Because Mars is all about assertiveness and competition, if not outright aggression, its retrograde is a good time to reflect on the nature of these traits in your own life and your relationships. Do they serve you or hurt you? Consider working against impulses to go aggro on small accidents. "Rather than being aggressive, be quick to step down and show compassion," said astrologer Kimberly Peta Dewhirst in Refinery 29. Of course, in some cases it is absolutely necessary to Be energetic and authoritarian. But maybe it's a good time to get yourself to let go of the little troubles, like the person who cut you off in traffic. You do not need rage on everything, although it's easier said than done.

Finally, the March in retrograde weather might just let you feel emptied. Retrograde energy could make you feel too tired and agitated, or even disrupt your sleep patterns, as reported in Elephant Journal. Yuck. Many people do not have an abundance of energy during the summer season, anyway, so this seems almost unfair.

In general, retrograde Mars can make you impulsive, aggressive, or just super-drained. This is the perfect time to work on yourself and try to keep a cool head. At least, this period of strangeness will end at the end of August, so it does not last forever.

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