When is the right time to get vaccinated against the flu?


The summer ends and the school is back in session, which means flu season is just around the corner. And as health officials remind each year, the best protection against the virus is getting a flu shot.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all persons 6 months of age and older should be vaccinated against influenza every season. Vaccination is particularly important for people at high risk of flu complicationsincluding children under 5, adults 65 years and older, pregnant women, residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities, and people with chronic conditions.

When is the best time to get a flu shot?

So, what is the best time to get vaccinated? The CDC guidelines indicate that people should vaccine against influenza end of October.

"We recommend you get vaccinated before the end of October, because it is better to get vaccinated before the flu spreads in your community," CBS News specialist Dr. Claire Bocchini told CBS News. infectious diseases at Texas Children's Hospital. "In the United States, the flu can begin to spread as early as October, so it takes about two weeks after the stroke for your body to make antibodies that protect you against the flu."

But with pharmacies already advertising flu shots, some are wondering if it is too early to get vaccinated. This is possible, says Dr. Michael Osterholm, a professor at the University of Minnesota and a former state epidemiologist.

"From the moment you get the vaccine against influenzaOsterholm told CBS Minnesota. Each month, the protection is reduced by about 15 to 20% per month and he recommends waiting until October to be vaccinated. December and February, but this can last until the spring.

However, Bocchini says that there is mixed data on the duration of flu shots.

"Some studies have shown a decrease in protection against the vaccine in recent influenza seasons, especially among the elderly and young children," she said. "That's why some experts advise against early vaccination, as in July or August."

In addition, Bocchini notes that there is another aspect to expect to be vaccinated. "Although delaying vaccination may lead to greater protection later in the season, this delay may also result in missed opportunities to get vaccinated – or at least miss the opportunity to be vaccinated before the start of the influenza season." . "Now is the time to plan your flu shot."

Children aged 6 months to 8 years who require two doses should receive their first dose as soon as possible after vaccination, to allow the second dose to be received by the end of October.

And while it's not ideal to wait until the end of October, getting vaccinated after that, even in January or later, can still be beneficial.

What type of flu shot should you receive?

A number of influenza vaccines are available this year, including cell-based influenza vaccines, live attenuated influenza vaccines, egg-based influenza vaccines and a nasal spray.

The CDC does not express preference for one vaccine over the other.

"Although there are differences, they do not differ clearly from one cell culture to another and from one egg, compared to the type of vaccine obtained," Olsterholm said. . "I think the key is to get vaccinated."

This season, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents ask their children to be vaccinated against the flu with respect to the nasal spray, stating that the vaccine is more effective.

However, the CDC reports that the nasal spray is now more effective than it has been in the last two years and amounts to saying that it can be used for children.

Bocchini pointed out that the flu vaccine is the best way for parents to protect their children against the flu, against the complications of influenza and against die of the flu.

It is too early to know how bad the flu season will be this year, but last year, 179 children died of the flu and thousands more were hospitalized. Health officials say that 80% of the dead children have not received the vaccine.

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