When will electric scooters return to the Boston area?


Unmanned electric scooters could take off once again in the Boston area, this time in more cities. But currently, their return is in limbo.

As a result of the unplanned – and brief – deployment of dozens of Bird scooters this summer in Cambridge and Somerville, local authorities and scooter-sharing companies are considering the way forward to bring the vehicles back. Cambridge held a hearing on the subject last Wednesday, attended by representatives of Bird and Lime, another micro-mobility company hoping to bring scooters to the area. Scott Mullen, director of Lime expansion in the north-east of the country, says he is "encouraged" by the discussion.

"I think scooters will have a bright future in Cambridge and the region," Mullen told Boston.com.

That said, it is unclear to what extent this future is on the horizon. Currently, officials on both sides recognize that their return will not happen until next year.

"I know the delay is frustrating for people who are really looking forward to jumping on scooters this fall, but I think if we want this program to be successful in the long run, it's probably not a bad idea. have the time to do it. our ducks in a row and do it well, "said Tuesday Deputy Mayor of Cambridge, Jan Devereux, who led the hearing last week.

Where are things now?

In July, Bird dropped dozens of scooters in the streets of Cambridge and Somerville without notice or permission. While the company said the number of trips made by local residents soared, officials in both cities said they were operating illegally without a permit. When the scooters were not removed from the streets, Cambridge and Somerville sent letters of forbearance and began to impale the scooters. Finally, the company agreed to withdraw its fleet while Cambridge and Somerville "build a frame" to regulate electric scooters.

However, a more existential problem has appeared for scooters: Bird vehicles themselves appear to be illegal under state law, which requires all motorized scooters on public roads to have brake lights and turn signals. Bird scooters have neither of them, and although the latest version of the Lime scooter is equipped with a stop light, it does not have a turn signal.

Joe Barr, director of transportation in Cambridge, also notes that it would be difficult to use turn signals with the hands of the runners occupied by the accelerator and the brake on each handlebar. Devereux and Barr both say the law appears to be for gasoline mopeds and Vespa-type scooters, rather than electric scooters that can not exceed 15 mph.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, which examines the subject of electric scooters since their recent arrival, agrees. In a statement released Tuesday, spokesman Patrick Marvin said that after a first review, the department concluded that these laws "probably were not intended to regulate and regulate these types of specific vehicles."

Yet, according to the current wording of the law, Barr says it's hard to say that the law does not apply to these scooters as well. According to MassDOT, the power to formulate and implement policies rests with municipalities and law enforcement. But if the problem is not solved at the state level, Cambridge officials are not willing to do it.

"Our legal advisor [Nancy Glowa] has always indicated that his view is that these devices are captured by state law, regardless of the intent that could have been, "Barr told Boston.com.

At last week's hearing, some officials asked if scooters could be equipped with brake lights and turn signals. However, neither Mullen nor Hannah Smith, Bird's government relations officer, said in a statement, a bird spokesman said the company was working with Cambridge and MassDOT to "develop a framework that works for everyone and allow Birds to get back on track soon. "

"We have conversations about both vehicle modernization and modernization of laws," Mullen told Boston.com this week.

The state legislature has ceased its functions until January, such changes do not seem possible before the beginning of 2019. Devereux says "fairly certain" that a local legislator will advance the issue once the new session began , even if she does not know it. t obtained specific indications.

"We seem to be in a kind of void," she said.

What would a local scooter system look like?

Despite their initial confrontation with Bird, Cambridge officials are "generally supportive" of trying a local sharing program of non-anchored electric scooters once conflicts with state law have been resolved . Devereux says Bird, Lime and a third public limited company have all expressed interest in getting a license to operate under such a program, which she said would start as a temporary pilot.

"I certainly want to give them an opportunity to prove that they can be a successful alternative, especially for driving," she said. "I'd rather people drive a scooter than hail an Uber or Lyft. Although they replace the use of hiking, I think it's great. "

Costing $ 1 per trip, plus 15 cents for every minute of the trip (with discounts for low-income cyclists), scooter companies claim to offer cities a fair and sustainable way to reduce traffic and carbon emissions. At last week's hearing, Ms. Devereux said she hoped to be able to offer an option for so-called "last mile" trips and make trips "easier, more flexible and perhaps even easier." more fun. "

"I share some of these concerns, but I also share hope," she said.

During the hearing, some residents expressed concerns about issues such as security and parking. Poorly parked scooters blocking sidewalks can be dangerous for the elderly or disabled. And cyclists often ignore the instructions (from both companies and local laws) to wear a helmet and only drive in the streets. However, other residents have noted that these problems are hardly exclusive to scooters.

"My wife … is legally blind and I do not want her to stumble on scooters," said Frederick Hill, a resident of Cambridge. "But with the right kind of application, socialization and fines, I feel that the city and businesses can solve this problem. I mean, if Cambridge can name people for not bringing their trash, I think it's a problem that can be solved.

Shared electric scooters are parked on a street in Santa Monica, California. -Robyn Beck / Getty Images

Lime also requires riders to take a picture of their scooter when they finish their journey to confirm that they have parked properly. Devereux, however, believes that sidewalks will be the "battleground" of the biggest conflicts in developing a framework for scooters.

"Pedestrians already feel a bit beleaguered by the way people use sidewalks," she said, noting that bicycles, including Blue Bikes, which are often moored on the sidewalks, are also moving around. sidewalks. Law and scooter companies order runners to stay on the street.

Any local policy framework should also consider the number of scooters allowed, as well as when and where. Compared to the few dozen to 100 deployed at Bird's summer launch, Devereux says the companies have said they should have a lot more. Other cities have set a ceiling of a few hundred to a few thousand scooters. Barr says a balance must be struck between providing enough for scooter sharing to be a reliable option and financially viable activities, but there are not so many crowded sidewalks.

"Part of the challenge for us is that it's a new technology and a new business model," he said. "We do not want to create an overly restrictive regulatory framework. "

As with New England, winter operations are another major problem. Lime and Bird, both of which were launched in Southern California, have yet to experience snowy seasons, although they have spread to Detroit and Minnesota this summer. Mullen says that unless it's "really cold", low temperatures should not be an obstacle. However, they removed the scooters from the streets on a case-by-case basis during the snowfall. Barr says Cambridge will monitor these cities to determine the best approach.

Another unavoidable problem is where they would be allowed. Despite deploying only to Cambridge and Somerville, Bird scooters inevitably ended up in Boston against the city and the wishes of the company. Given the interdependence of Boston and the surrounding suburbs, Barr says there is a definite need for regional coordination.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council is already overseeing a bike sharing system in 15 communities in the Boston suburbs with thousands of bikes without berths, including e-bikes. At last week's hearing in Cambridge, MAPC Director of Transportation Eric Bourassa said the planning agency "would be more than happy to help" with such a regional effort for scooters.

"I think it makes good sense to postpone any pilot project until early 2019. I think these municipalities are very keen to work together," he said.

Bourassa added that he had heard of Newton and Arlington if the scooters returned to Cambridge. And according to the city's presentation at the hearing, Boston, Brookline and Somerville all expressed the desire to be involved in the development of regulations.

In July, Mayor Marty Walsh warned Bird not to report to Boston without warning, and City Transportation Director Gina Fiandaca said it was important that municipalities play a role and geographically fair .

"If a sharing scooter the company wants to do business in Boston, they will have to comply with all legal requirements and work with the appropriate agencies of the city of Boston to introduce their transportation option to the general public safely and cooperatively, "said Fiandaca at Boston.com. a statement on Tuesday.

The Boston City Council also plans to hold an audition on electric scooters this fall.

Although Cambridge officials do not agree with Bird's tactics, they tacitly agree that the company has somewhat forced their hand to start thinking about the issue.

"Honestly, until Bird made his surprise launch, it was not something we said we had to do this fall. We knew it was going to happen, but it was not the number one priority, "Devereux said," Now it's on our agenda and it's a higher priority and we'll have time, hopefully- the, we had to launch a kind of half-prepared pilot and not having all the rules about parking, sidewalks and well thought out data, that could really turn against us. "

"I prefer doing things right and making public policy takes time," she said.

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