Where is Oceanside in Season 9 of "The Walking Dead"? They were suspiciously MIA


Build a bridge on The dead who walk may bring survivors together for the moment, but not all communities are involved in the consequences of All Out War. Where is Oceanside The dead who walk? The tribe of the surviving women is absent from all the team building activities.

At the end of season 8, Oceanside joined reluctantly in the fight against Negan after Aaron persuaded them to move on to action. What happened next? Was it a punctual alliance? Oceanside has never been mean, only antagonistic as a means of defending its fierce right to independence in this new world. Even if they finally helped Alexandria and the Hillside out, it may take more persuasion for them to really join.

Rick mentions Oceanside in his opening monologue The dead who walk Season 9, but other than that, there was not much clue about their location or their work. Rosita and Eugene were going there and apparently Oceanside was contributing to the fish trade for other resources.

What Tara and Heath learned when they discovered Season 7 of Community 7 gives them a pretty good setup. Has any of the Oceanside women been totally equated with Alexandria and on top of a hill? They certainly would not move to the sanctuary. Never forget, saviors killed all men from the Oceanside community. This mass murder is by far the worst of the atrocities of Negan's reign. In the first two episodes of season 9, the dissent towards Rick and Maggie is up. It might be wise to check those who hated Negan most, even though he is locked up in Alexandria safely.


the MASH POTATOES. Tribute to the Bridge Camp – a sign that points to various neighboring communities – includes Oceanside. We know where Oceanside is physically located … on the ocean. Or rather, on Chesapeake Bay. Getting from Alexandria, Virginia, to the Atlantic Ocean in an apocalypse of zombies would require more than a bridge. After being cut in half by the Saviors, the group retired to an abandoned Motor Court campground. We do not know where they were before, but that's where they are now. In any case, the inclusion of Oceanside on the board not only indicates that the group is still present and working with other communities, but that some of them may even be working on the bridge.


Cyndie is at least here. She was part of the group that attacked the Smithsonian. She is a member of the Bridge Project and seems to have made friends with the other survivors. Yet, what happened to the rest of them? Maybe they are all fishing, but it is likely to be something more disturbing

It is unlikely that Oceanside has acquired a helicopter, is it? Between this arrival and the one who kills saviors in season 9, many people seem to be hiding on the sidelines of Rick Grimes' new survivor faction. When the bridge is over, Cyndie probably plans to return to her people, but for better or for worse, do not count on Oceanside.

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