Where to stream the First Wives Club & # 39; to understand the long-time love of Ariana Grande for the film


If too many movies make you say thank you, then why not sit back and watch one of Ariana Grande's favorite movies First women's club? In fact, those who have seen the performance of "Thank U, Next" from Grande on Ellen We already have an overview. These white outfits, this table landscape, this epic walkout at the end, all inspired by the 1996 film starring Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn and Diane Keaton. You do not own the movie? Do not worry, here's how to broadcast First women's club now.

For those who have a Starz subscription via Hulu or Amazon Video, it is available for free now. Those who do not can rent it on Amazon Video, Vudu, YouTube, Google Play and iTunes. Essentially, make your choice from your favorite streaming service and watch the breaking movie in which three women are getting ready to take revenge on their bad ex-husband but end up instead.

Before adding First women's club at the queue, however, re-watch Grande Ellen performance to understand how much it pays homage to the film. His performance is an on-site update of First women's clubThe most iconic scene in which the three women interpret "You do not own me" Leslie Gore as F-U for their exes. Up to the choreography and this chair dance that almost led to a big spill, which recovered in the most cute way with a little help from his friends.

"First club of the wives 2018" Great tweet November 6 after the recording of the performance. Ending the message with a note of love to his dancers, Victoria Monet and Tayla Parx, Elise (Hawn) and Brenda (Midler) to her Annie (Keaton).

Like the movie, Grande does not seek revenge for "Thank U, Next". She thanks her ex for all that she has learned, while marking her independence and declaring herself to be free of everything. This First women's clubAn inspired performance, which comes just weeks after his engagement broke out with fiancé Pete Davidson, has clearly shown that no one has it. "I know that they say I'm going too fast / But this one will last," she sings on the track. "Because she's calling Ari / And I'm so good at it."

His performance also made very good First women's club x "Thank you U, Next" memes. So good, in fact, that Grande has retweeted the one that places her lyrics on images of the "You Do not Own Me" scene.

This is not the first time that Grande promises her love for the First club of women. In 2014, she tweeted about his obsession with the movie.

"No matter what and everything can be treated with a middle girls quote, a first wife club quote, a" wong foo "quote or a" showgirls "quote," she writes.

Two months later, she was talking about First women's club again. This time in response to Midler's severe criticism of the Grande style in an interview with the Telegraph.

Great would respond by saying that she did not understand Midler's comments since the Divine Miss M was still a "feminist defending women who could do anything they wanted without judgment" but that was " all the love "with her. "and I will always quote the first club of wives every day of my life, lmao," she tweeted.

It was his elegant way of not saying grudge. (Midler will apologize later on Twitter) But, in hindsight, it also shows that Grande has always been one to choose positivity before anything else.

Grande is looking to the future and, although it will probably not include its star in a First women's club afterwards she gave the world the reboot they all needed. Now fans can watch the original First women's club for themselves and see why Grande just can not get enough. Who knows, that could also inspire his Arianators.

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