Where will the pregnant Duchess Megan give birth?


Duchess Kate delivered all three of her and Prince William's children from the Lindo wing of St. Mary's Hospital. And his pregnant sister Pippa Middleton, was spotted on arrival at the exclusive maternity ward on Monday, October 15th. But Duchess Meganwho is expecting her first child with Prince Harry, could break with the royal tradition.

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry "explore" birth options
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Samir Hussein / WireImage / Getty Images

"Harry and Meghan are exploring options for birth," said a source at Kensington Palace. We weekly. "No decision has yet been made on the baby's birthplace. Meghan does not have to deliver to the Lindo wing and she can deliver wherever she wants. "

It's easy to understand why Duchess Kate chose the Lindo Wing. As the website boasts: "Our world-class maternity care, combined with personalized service, will allow you to relax and educate yourself in one of the most moving and exciting experiences of your life. "

The late Queen Elizabeth, queen mother in 1937, opened the Lindo wing. Georgie McGrath, a British mother, has We weekly private rooms are worth every penny. "Once you had your baby, they prepared a special kind of menu for parents," she said in 2015. "You can have a full four-course meal with champagne, candles and the rest."

The Kensington Palace announced Monday that the royal couple, who had been married in May, would be welcoming their first child in the spring of 2019. Starting a family was a priority for Harry, 34, and Suit alum. In November 2017, they said they wanted to have one in the "near future".

With the reports of Jen Peros.

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