Which celebrity has the most subscribers on Instagram? Selena Gomez was overwhelmed by this star


In a world so obsessed with social media, being the most followed on any social platform seems like a big deal. Until now, the title of the most followed celebrity on Instagram has been awarded to Selena Gomez, who enjoys not only a high popularity on social networks, but she also encourages people to take breaks in their Instagram feeds. But now, there is a new celebrity who is the most followed on Insta. So who has the most subscribers on Instagram? Well, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo literally crushed Gomez tops the list.

According to E! News, the number of Ronaldo followers is around 144,320,746 while Gomez is right behind him with 144,312,745 followers. Gomez trailed it by what could be considered a handful of celebrity adepts (#cantrelate), so that she could win first place at any time.

Although Gomez has long held the title of the most followed celebrity on Instagram, it is doubtful that she cares a lot for getting knocked down by a football player. Gomez has often spoken openly about controlling society's obsession with social media.

In a March 2017 interview with VogueGomez explained how the pressure on Instagram was most followed and how much it weighed heavily on him.

"As soon as I became the most followed person on Instagram, I sort of panicked," said Gomez Vogue. "It had become so devouring to me. That's what I woke up to and fell asleep. I was an addict and I felt like I was seeing things I did not want to see, like putting things in my head that I did not want to worry about. I always end up feeling bad when I look at Instagram. That's why I'm a little off, the ghost a bit. "

Then, in an interview with Display panel In December 2017, Gomez explained why she absolutely needed to pause on social media.

"I like Kevin [Systrom], the creator of Instagram, and he was angry with me in the past when I said to myself, "I have to take a break." But to withdraw was to waste time with things that matter, "explained Gomez. "I spend time with an old friend and, basically, every conversation is intentional. Constructive conversations remind you that everything is in our position. It's not about what's happening with everything else. "

Here is who now has the most subscribers on Instagram:

Gabriele Maltinti / Getty Images Sports / Getty Images

In recent days, Gomez announced that it was taking a much needed break in social media, which probably prompted the change of Instagram followers' ranking in favor of Ronaldo. But that's good, because Gomez is doing what she has to do now to take care of herself.

"A break in social media, again," she wrote in a post posted on Instagram on September 23. "While I'm grateful for the voice that social media gives to each of us, I'm also grateful for being able to step back and live my present life at the time I've been given. only for a moment! Remember – negative comments can hurt anyone's feelings. "Obvi."

A few weeks later, on October 11, reports revealed that Gomez was seeking treatment for mental disorders after hospitalization. Elite Daily contacted the Gomez team to comment on the reports at that time, but had no response at the time of publication. So, take a break from social media in the last month or if it seemed like an indispensable step for the star.

Given all that Gomez has at his disposal, I guess it's a good thing that Ronaldo has taken over the Instagram throne. I guess the world will have to wait and see how long it keeps him!

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