Which Senators voted for and against Brett Kavanaugh – Quartz


The US Senate confirmed today (Oct. 6) that Brett Kavanaugh was the 114th Supreme Court Judge, with 50 Yea and 48 Nay, the smallest margin since 1881 (paywall). The confirmation ends a hearing involving several women accusing the candidate of being sexually misconduct (including Christine Blasey Ford, who testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee), a limited FBI investigation into Ford's allegations, an angry testimony from Kavanaugh and several other people. to voice concerns about the character and habits of a man's consumption that in a few days will begin to play a central role in the highest court of the United States.

In the end, only one Republican senator voted differently from the party line: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who had previously voted against the debate's standings. Yet his vote today was not recorded as a "no". Instead, she voted as "a gift", matching her vote to Senator Steve Daines of Montana, who was attending her daughter's wedding. Although this is an old and rare practice, senators are allowed to match their votes when they go in opposite directions (in this case, the "Nay" of Murkowski and the "Yea" of Daines) if they can not attend the vote, the two votes one on the other.

Murkowski said she had agreed to vote, courtesy of her colleague who was also ready to leave her daughter's marriage to vote.

On the Democrats' side, Joe Manchin of West Virginia also opposed the party line and voted in favor of the confirmation. Vermont's Bernie Sanders and Angus King of Maine, both independents, voted "no".

This is how each senator voted, sorted alphabetically by state. The seats for the next November 6 elections will be in bold.

Yes: 50

Jeff Flake Arizona Republican Party
Richard Shelby Alabama Republican Party
Daniel S. Sullivan Alaska Republican Party
Jon Kyl Arizona Republican Party
Tom Cotton Arkansas Republican Party
John Boozman Arkansas Republican Party
Cory Gardner Colorado Republican Party
Marco Rubio Florida Republican Party
Johnny Isakson Georgia Republican Party
David Perdue Georgia Republican Party
Mike Crapo Idaho Republican Party
Jim Risch Idaho Republican Party
Todd C. Young Indiana Republican Party
Joni Ernst Iowa Republican Party
Chuck Grassley Iowa Republican Party
Pat Roberts Kansas Republican Party
Jerry Moran Kansas Republican Party
Rand Paul Kentucky Republican Party
Mitch McConnell Kentucky Republican Party
John Neely Kennedy Louisiana Republican Party
Bill Cassidy Louisiana Republican Party
Susan Collins Maine Republican Party
Roger Wicker Mississippi Republican Party
Cindy Hyde-Smith Mississippi Republican Party
Roy Blunt Missouri Republican Party
Deb Fischer Nebraska Republican Party
Ben Sasse Nebraska Republican Party
Dean Heller Nevada Republican Party
Thom Tillis North Carolina Republican Party
Richard Burr North Carolina Republican Party
John Hoeven North Dakota Republican Party
Rob Portman Ohio Republican Party
Jim Inhofe Oklahoma Republican Party
James Lankford Oklahoma Republican Party
Pat Toomey Pennsylvania Republican Party
Tim Scott Caroline from the south Republican Party
Lindsey Graham Caroline from the south Republican Party
Mike Rounds South Dakota Republican Party
John Thune South Dakota Republican Party
Lamar Alexander Tennessee Republican Party
Bob Corker Tennessee Republican Party
Ted Cruz Texas Republican Party
John Cornyn Texas Republican Party
Orrin Ax Utah Republican Party
Mike Lee Utah Republican Party
Joe Manchin West Virginia Democratic Party
Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia Republican Party
Ronald Harold "Ron" Johnson Wisconsin Republican Party
Mike Enzi Wyoming Republican Party
John Barrasso Wyoming Republican Party

No: 48

Doug Jones Alabama Democratic Party
Kamala D. Harris California Democratic Party
Dianne Feinstein California Democratic Party
Michael Bennet Colorado Democratic Party
Richard Blumenthal Connecticut Democratic Party
Chris Murphy Connecticut Democratic Party
Tom Carper Delaware Democratic Party
Chris Coons Delaware Democratic Party
Bill Nelson Florida Democratic Party
Mazie K. Hirono Hawaii Democratic Party
Brian E. Schatz Hawaii Democratic Party
Tammy Duckworth Illinois Democratic Party
Dick Durbin Illinois Democratic Party
Joe Donnelly Indiana Democratic Party
Angus King Maine Independent
Chris Van Hollen Maryland Democratic Party
Ben Cardin Maryland Democratic Party
Elizabeth Warren Massachusetts Democratic Party
Ed Markey Massachusetts Democratic Party
Gary Peters Michigan Democratic Party
Debbie Stabenow Michigan Democratic Party
Tina Smith Minnesota Democratic Party
Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Democratic Party
Claire McCaskill Missouri Democratic Party
Jon Tester Montana Democratic Party
Catherine Cortez Masto Nevada Democratic Party
Maggie Hassan New Hampshire Democratic Party
Jeanne Shaheen New Hampshire Democratic Party
Cory Booker New Jersey Democratic Party
Bob Menendez New Jersey Democratic Party
Tom Udall New Mexico Democratic Party
Martin Heinrich New Mexico Democratic Party
Kirsten Gillibrand New York Democratic Party
Chuck Schumer New York Democratic Party
Heidi Heitkamp North Dakota Democratic Party
Sherrod Brown Ohio Democratic Party
Ron Wyden Oregon Democratic Party
Jeff Merkley Oregon Democratic Party
Bob Casey Jr. Pennsylvania Democratic Party
Sheldon Whitehouse Rhode Island Democratic Party
Jack Reed Rhode Island Democratic Party
Patrick Leahy Vermont Democratic Party
Bernie Sanders Vermont Independent
Tim Kaine Virginia Democratic Party
Mark Warner Virginia Democratic Party
Patty Murray Washington Democratic Party
Maria Cantwell Washington Democratic Party
Tammy Baldwin Wisconsin Democratic Party

Present: 1

Lisa Murkowski Alaska Republican Party

Absent: 1

Steve Daines Montana Republican Party
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