While & # 39; A Star Is Born & # 39; shines, Lukas Nelson remains motionless


"I could not be better," he says on the phone, with enthusiasm that testifies to the veracity of his statement. "Honestly, the last minute was particularly good, the last minute of my life was fantastic, it's just amazing."

He refuses to talk more about those 60 seconds of his life, which are very important and seemingly very exciting when asked. He says that he's not free to say more, out of respect for the privacy of his friends.

But Nelson had a lot of fun rejoicing in those days.

Since Bradley Cooper saw Nelson and his band, Promise of the Real, perform with Neil Young at Desert Trip 2016, Nelson has been in a whirlwind of good fortune. The latest chapter is last week's release of "A Star Is Born", a film for which Nelson helped write songs and coach Cooper, who starred in the movie as an upbeat rock star named Jackson Maine. (Nelson and his group also appear as the Maine group.)

Nelson was there as Cooper went through various "iterations" of his character, eventually landing on the wounded showman that ended up on the screen. There is a little Neil Young in Jackson, Maine and a bit of Nelson. ("I think he's got me some mannerisms, frankly," he says, almost trying not to look vain.)

The first rave reviews of "A Star Is Born" – accompanied by an Oscar buzz trail – helped propel the film to an impressive opening weekend and soundtrack, on which Nelson has credits for songs like "Out of Time" and "Music in my eyes", is a high table.

"It was like the climax of my life at that time," said Nelson, after being singled out by Cooper in an all-star training for what he lovingly calls "Oldchella". "And then, you know, another kind of strong point is born from that."

Bradley Cooper and Lukas Nelson

Before that, life was not too bad either, said Nelson.

He and his group, who have been together for more than a decade, have been on the road with his father, Willie Nelson and Young.

"This is what has happened in recent years and it's a magical dream ride for me and the group," he said. "It's just amazing."

Nelson's family, including his father, were among those who rushed to see the film after it was released.

After they left in a group, they called him "and said that everyone was crying," said Nelson.

This is not a rare effect for "A star is born" of having on people.

The story, featuring Cooper and Lady Gaga, is both a romance, a family drama and an edifying narrative.

At 29, he spoke more about certain aspects of the story than others, but he recognized and appreciated the truth of the story as a whole.

"There are a lot of pitfalls in which you can fall when you reach that level of glory," Nelson said. "There is a lot of energy that steals you constantly and you have to be very strong to keep your center."

He adds, "For me, it really shows the struggle to stay rooted, to stay who you are, to have something to say and to be an artist in a world that eats people in this world – it would devour you if you're not careful . "

Nelson speaks like a guy who would fight – and maybe fight – like a devil to avoid being eaten.

He says that he has read a lot while growing up and that he has studied "all types of spiritualities". He meditates, practices yoga and has a deep passion for learning.

"I think if you stopped growing and learning in life, you could die as well," he says. "I will never stop learning about the world that surrounds me in different ways, and I think it keeps me rooted because if you're still a student, you can never go wrong and then catch up with you. in the ego of things ".

Lukas Nelson and the promise of the real

Son of a legend of music, Nelson has spent all his life to fame. This, he says, helps to see the famous characters – even the Coopers and Lady Gagas of the world – from a different angle than most people.

"In the end, the only thing that [brings] Together, successful artists are just total dedication, hard work and concentration – focus on their art, "he says. So, put someone on a pedestal, spend time with them because then people feel compelled to make sure to become someone they are not when they are with you. Most people just want to be able to relax and not have to talk to each other. "

Until the end of the year, Nelson and his group have tour dates that take them all over Los Angeles – for a great show as part of the Outlaw Music Festival Tour – in Florida and in Texas.

However, they are ready to interpret the film's music in front of an audience if their talents are needed for the awards season.

"I informed the Bradley and Warner Bros. that the group was ready to do everything we need to do, if we are to do it," he said.

I tell him that Cooper was lukewarm on the idea of ​​resuscitating Jackson Maine for a live audience.

"Well, I'll put a good word, just say that," he says.

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