While Thomas Markle suffered from royal pains, Meghan's mother was secretly in the UK.


Doria, Meghan's mother, was secretly in the UK this summer, helping the Duchess cope with the family tragedy.

While the press is generally above every gesture of the duchess, there was a great thing that was kept secret for months. It turns out that Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, was actually in the UK during the summer. The sun reports that she made several secret visits, one of which included a stay at the Oxfordshire cottage in July.

That must be a huge shock for Thomas Markle, who probably thought Doria had not seen their daughter since the royal wedding, since that was a common misconception. But it was a good thing that Doria was present for her daughter throughout the summer, considering that it was a difficult time for Meghan as her family members were in it. taken to her and to the royal family several times. One source noted that "the visit was totally under the radar. Doria supported Meghan for much of the test with Thomas.

And while the focus is on Thomas, it's hard to forget that half-siblings Samantha and Thomas Jr. also had their share of the limelight, denouncing Meghan in every way. Overall, Doria was the only member of the immediate family to be seen or heard. And it was for a good reason, because it obviously includes the reasons why members of the royal family prefer to stay away from the press and paparazzi.

At the time Doria visited Meghan and Harry at the Oxfordshire cottage in July, Thomas was busy giving interviews about what he thought his daughter was going through. In one of the most memorable quotes, he stated the following, according to E! Online.

"My thing about my daughter right now is that I think she's terrified. I see him in his eyes, I see him in his face and I see him in his smile. I saw her smile for years. I know his smile. I do not like the one I see now. This one is not even a smile on stage – it's a painful smile.

Thomas also revealed that he was essentially cut off from communicating with Meghan.

"Since the interview, the phone number I call no longer works. I guess the connection with the royal family never answers, and there is no address I can write, so I have no way to contact my daughter.

And although it was believed that Meghan was receiving support from her new royal family to cope with her father's access, she also had the loving care of her mother to help her through the hard times.

For now, it seems that Thomas has taken a break to give interviews, but it remains to be seen how long his silence will last.

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