White House official "ignores" Trump's plans to withdraw from the WTO


"I am not aware of any plans at this time," White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told reporters if Trump plans to withdraw from the WTO.

Comments came in response to an Axios report saying that Trump privately told councilors that he wants to withdraw from the organization, a move that could upset world trade and international markets.

Short said "it's fair to say" Trump has become frustrated with the WTO, which regulates global trade agreements.

"I think the president has expressed his frustration with international organizations from the point of view of sovereignty, but I think the president also thinks that US tariffs are too high for American products."

Some Trump advisers sought to persuade him to back down his threats, pointing out that the United States has won more than 85% of the WTO's business. But this argument fell in the ear of a deaf person, according to Axios.

Trump did not hesitate to take trade action that angered his allies and his markets.

He imposed high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports earlier this year to allies like Canada, Japan and the European Union.

This triggered a series of retaliatory tariffs against the United States, and the EU and Canada initiated WTO dispute procedures over tariffs.

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