White House officials considering departure likely to stay for Supreme Court appointment: ABC


According to a report by ABC News three White House officials who were considering quitting their jobs will likely remain in the Supreme Court appointment process.

Don McGahn, Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short and Domestic Policy Director Andrew Bremberg have all recently expressed the desire to leave the White House, but each declared that they would remain after the retirement of the Judge Anthony Kennedy, reported ABC

. according to ABC.

President Trump Donald John TrumpScaramucci warns that Trump must "change tactics" on trade Trump seeks to buy a Scottish historic building for hotel: Republican report wins to replace Farenthold in Congress MORE [19659007] is looking for a replacement for Kennedy, who announced his retirement on July 31 earlier this week. He announced that he would announce his candidate before July 9th.

The McGahn team will lead the nomination process, sources told ABC. Short and Bremberg will likely play a minor role in the process, according to ABC.

Short says ABC that the White House hopes to have the new court before November 1st.

"It's a bit like a domino" Mr. Short said, "In July, we will ensure that the appropriate documents will be collected and that senators will ask, then, in the month of August, we will meet with individual meetings, and hope that they will be there in August. the audition at the end of the summer. "

The nomination process could turn out to be a difficult battle, with the Democrats resisting Trump's choice.

The news of McGahn, Short and Bremberg It appears that the chief Staff of Trump John Kelly John Francis KellyMORE plans to leave the White House this summer.

The Trump White House has had more than first-year departures than any other president in at least 40 years, after Axios .

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