White men are the biggest terrorist threat in the United States


Screenshot: CNN (via YouTube)

Don Lemon is tired of it.

Who knew, a year ago, that CNN's Don Lemon would be the most outspoken and militant black man on television?

Continuing his tendency to call him as he sees it, Lemon threw a tear at a segment of Chris Cuomo's show Monday night, and said the white men were the biggest Terrorist threat in the United States of America. t a ban on traveling against them.

"We have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terrorist threat in this country is the white men, the most radicalized right, and we have to start acting against them," Lemon told Cuomo.

"There is no ban on traveling on them," he added. "There is no ban – you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ban on whites.

Lemon's comments have made him the subject of much criticism from the right, such as Breitbart, the federalist, Fox News and Donald Trump Jr., but you know what?

Don Lemon is right.

In a tweet criticizing Lemon, Donnie Jr. wrote, "Incredible. I thought it was some kind of joke quote from his context, but no … it's just Don Lemon who's a jerk. Unfortunately, that is what so many leftists think. Repugnant! Imagine indignation if you changed "white men" with another demographic?

The irony makes me constipated.

First of all, does Donnie Jr. realize that his father makes general generalizations about all other races, with the exception of Whites, every day? Does he realize that his father's hate speech is the reason two white men plotted to bomb a Somali Muslim community in Kansas? Did not he hear that his father had recently openly claimed his white nationalism? Has it escaped her that her father recently asked the Chicago police to use racial profiling to combat gun violence?

The list of Don Sr's racist remarks and transgressions is long and exhausting, but as the way of the right is, they worry only when whites are the target – especially white men.

It does not matter that there is specific evidence in the last week that white men are terrorists; the right does not care about the facts.

When you have a white man who deliberately shot and killed innocent blacks in a grocery store, another was arrested for targeting people whom the president has designated as his "enemies" with the help of homemade bombs, and another accused of having shot at a synagogue The writing is on the wall in big, gigantic fluorescent letters that are flashing and playing loud music.

The right turns a deaf ear to all this.

Some of the greatest tragedies in this country, like the bombing of Oklahoma City, Aurora, Colorado, filming at the movies, the destruction of a black church by Dylann Roof , the shooting of Las Vegas last October this is easily ignored by the right in favor of the demonization of black and brown people.

Where is the ban on traveling against white men? I want to be able to do grocery shopping, go to the movies or visit a place of worship in peace. I do not want to be forced to look over my shoulder every time I see a suspicious white man walking near me.

White men are the biggest terrorist threat in this country.

You are a liar and full of shit if you do not recognize him.

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