White Sox Pitcher Jace Fry Burned By Fiancee Kelsi Blalock On Instagram And Twitter


Photo: Matt Marton (AP)

White Sox pitcher Jace Fry started his career on Wednesday against the Indians. This was not a real early – the White Sox described this one as a bull game, and Fry only started a round – but hey, a career first! Meanwhile, while his teammates and himself were being pounded by the Indians, it seems that his fiancée (or his recent fiancée), Kelsi Blalock, was fucking their relationship via social media.

This tweet contains screenshots of four Instagram photos with Blalock and Fry. In each of them, Blalock seems to have recently changed the legend into something darker than what was originally supposed to be. For example:

The caption reads: "26 years at the baseball stadium: wasting another year of my life on a sociopath". Judging by the answers: "So cute! Happy Birthday !!! – this new legend seems to be a more recent edition. They become darker from there:

Ouch. Blalock tweeted them around 7pm. Wednesday night, but in time seems to have deleted Instagram photos from his page. She also tweeted the following:

Jace and Kelsi still have an active wedding page on The Knot, in case you would like to buy their registry.

H / t Pat

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