White Woman Calls the Police on a Black Child She Falsely Said Groped Her


A white woman who calls the police after claiming a young boy in front of a young woman.

Critics characterized by the hypersensitive white person calling the police Many detractors imputed racist motives to the woman, Teresa Klein.

She was quickly labeled "Cornerstore Caroline" by Jason Littlejohn, 37, a resident of Flatbush who recorded the commotion on Wednesday outside the Sahara Deli Market on Albemarle Road. Mr. Littlejohn's Facebook recording of the incident had been viewed 4 million times by Friday evening.

"I was just sexually assaulted by a child," Ms. Klein was told about the police. The boy, who is about 9, and another child.

Onlookers crammed into the bodega's doorway to watch the screening, their phone cameras pointed to Ms. Klein. Playing on a ceiling-mounted flat-screen television, the video showed the child turning to someone behind him and his backpack brushing Ms. Klein's backside as she leaned over the counter.

Speaking into a television reporter's camera afterward, Ms. Klein made an apology. "Young man," she said, "I do not know your name but I'm sorry."

Teresa Klein watching a video of the incident in which she thought a young boy had touched her behind in Brooklyn bodega.CreditSean Piccoli

Still, Ms. Klein denied she acted out of bigotry towards the boy or that she harbored racist feelings. She said that she was willing to meet their differences, but that the mother had reacted aggressively when she said that the boy had touched her.

"A woman who has been arrested and said that she would arrest me," she said, "and I called 911."

For three days, Ms. Klein had been roundly criticized on Twitter. Many people took issue with the idea that a boy would understand what he meant to someone else.

The outrage escalated after the surveillance, showing that the boy, dressed in a uniform school and carrying a large book bag, did not appear to touch Ms. Klein.

"The little kid thought he was going to go to jail for something he did not do," Mr. Littlejohn said in an interview. "I thought it was a person calling for a particular reason, especially on a child."

Nahounha Alexander, 22, who works at a nearby Baptist church, said the apology was welcome but abbreviated under which Ms. Klein also dropped her complaints about the mother's behavior.

"She hurt all of us in this community because you accuse that one little boy of doing something, you also accuse all of us," Ms. Alexander said.

The incident echoed other recent uproar on social media over white people calling the police to make a complaint about black people.

In Oakland, Calif., A white woman nicknamed "BBQ Becky" called the police about black people barbecuing in a restricted area in a park. Near Cleveland, a white family called the police after a child has a neighborly lawn accidentally mowed a portion of the family's lawn.

And in Philadelphia, a Starbucks employee called the police after two men. More recently, the police were called to a black man near Atlanta who was babysitting two white children.

"You think something like this only happens in the South, but it's all over the world," said Mr. Littlejohn, who had tried to comfort the boy. "He's going to be traumatized for the rest of his life. This is something that will stick with him. "

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