Jodie Whittaker plays the role of the new "Doctor Who" – and the first female doctor.

Spoil alert! The following contains spoilers for the first season of "Doctor Who", "The Woman Who Falled to Earth".

Fans of "Doctor Who" may no longer look at construction cranes in the same way.

At the premiere of BBC America's science fiction drama, fans were able to discover the new version of Dr. Jodie Whittaker's series, as she gathered her new companions, built a sonic screwdriver and beat her first villain .

She also made a massive air jump between two construction cranes.

It was a triumphant moment, unlike any cascade performed on the show before. The producer and author of the series, Chris Chibnall and Whittaker, explain exactly how.

"I think it was very important to me, as far as the new doctor was concerned, that she had something heroic, physical, an appropriate kind of Indiana Jones "said Chibnall. "We can try something new, we can raise the bids and hopefully you're watching this sequence:" They're not going to go, she's not going to go, it's not going to do it. "This joy of a waterfall of adventures really great, fun, physical and real that has a real scale."

Chibnall says that Whittaker made the jump herself, without a stuntman.

"In the first week!" Whittaker adds. "It was the second day of my time in the series – it was definitely (an introduction) in this world."

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