Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? A giant democratic killer


She joined activists in Flint, Michigan, to ask for clean water, and went to the Mexican border last weekend to protest the separations of migrants.

Like Mr. Sanders, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez rejected the fact that corporate donations and the use of small donors were a rallying cry for supporters; Nearly 70% of the funds in his campaign came from individual contributions of less than $ 200.

"All Democrats are not the same," she said in her May campaign video, adding – her voice rising with emotion – that a democrat who "does not send her children in our schools, do not drink our water or breathe can not represent us. "

"The Congress is too old," she told a reporter from the Elite Daily website. "They have no interest in the game."

Before Tuesday's victory propelled her to the forefront of political conversation, Ocasio-Cortez seemed to find better audiences with media outlets such as Elite Daily, Mic, and Refinery29 – websites often associated with female and millennial audiences – that With national publications.

It's about to change.

"I hope it's a start," said Ocasio-Cortez during her victory party on Tuesday. "That we can continue to organize and continue what we have learned."

Still, the shock seemed to be the predominant emotion during Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's evening on Tuesday. "Oh my God, oh my God," she said realizing that she had won, her hands beating to her mouth and her eyes widening. Throughout the night, as more and more people invaded the crowded Bronx pool, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez was followed by a crowd of reporters, supporters, and campaigners calling for hugs, selfies, or just a hug. glimpse of the woman. had considered impossible.

She added: "I hope this reminds us of what the Democratic Party should be, which is, first and foremost, the responsibility of the workers."

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