In late 2016, Americans working at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, began to experience strange physical symptoms, to the point that they were forced to return to the States. -United. The State Department has described these cases as incidents and some have suspected the Cuban government of being to blame. "The Cuban government is harassing American personnel who have been working in Havana for decades," said Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) in August 2017 after Cuba investigated the allegations. "It has not stopped with the appeasement of President Obama. The personal injury to US officials shows how much the Castro regime will go against international standards.
<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "In October 2017, the Associated Press obtained a record of what many of the affected Americans heard in the alleged "incidents", which were determined as deliberate attacks. One of the symptoms described by the victims was hearing loss and some were even equipped with hearing aids upon their return to the United States. Although affected Americans said they heard the sound at high volume, it was difficult to know what produced the noise. Listen. "Data-reactid =" 20 "> In October 2017, the Associated Press obtained a record of what many of the affected Americans heard in the alleged "incidents", which were determined as deliberate attacks. One of the symptoms described by the victims was hearing loss and some were even equipped with hearing aids upon their return to the United States. Although affected Americans said they heard the sound at high volume, it was difficult to know what produced the noise. Listen.
<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "At the time of publication of the recording, At least 22 Americans were "medically confirmed" to have been affected by the incidents, but attacks resumed last spring, the number of affected staff is now 26, not counting an employee in China who has experienced similar symptoms. attacks were initially considered strictly sound, the victims also suffered brain damage causing problems of cognition, balance, vision, sleep loss and many others suspected that microwaves and electromagnetic waves be at stake. Earlier this month, the New York Times reported that doctors and scientists think that microwave weapons are the most likely culprits. "data-reactid =" 23 "> By the time the registration was made public, at least 22 Americans have been" medically confirmed. "The number of government-appointed officials now stands at 26, not counting the used in China who experienced similar symptoms at the beginning of the year, problems related to cognition, balance, vision, sleep loss and more, which leads many to think that micro and electromagnetic waves, possibly associated with other unknown technologies, could also New York Times reported that doctors and scientists believe that microwave weapons are the most likely culprits.
<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The alleged use of concentrated microwaves refers to the Cold War, while the United States thought that Russia was seeking to use the waves as a means of psychological warfare At the height of the Cold War, the US military decided that microwave impulses sensation known as the effect name Frey In January, an article published by James C. Lin of the University of Illinois showed that concentrated microwaves can also cause nausea, dizziness and brain damage. months later, ProPublica has published a detailed report about the incidents, including the story of the wife of a member of the Havana embassy hearing noises, looking out the window and seeing a van move away quickly. data-reactid = "24"> The alleged use of concentrated microwaves The Cold War, while the United States thought that Russia was seeking to use the waves as a means of psychological warfare At the height of the cold war , the US military decided that microwave impulse sensation known as the Frey effect In January, an article published by James C. Lin, of the University of Illinois, showed that microwaves Concentrates can also cause nausea, dizziness and brain damage. A month later, ProPublica released a detailed report on the incidents, including the testimony of a woman from a member of the Havana embassy hearing the noises, looking out the window and seeing a truck moving away quickly .
Despite consistent symptoms among affected workers, no one seems to be able to accurately determine the condition they are suffering from. The weapons used to carry out these attacks are also not clear. Last year, the United States turned to the Air Force to try to reverse the technology, which remains largely a mystery beyond the suspicion that microwaves are involved.
<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The response from the Trump administration has been slow. reported last week That a report from the Government Accountability Office found that a special panel convened to investigate the bombings had been created eight months later than planned due to a breakdown of communication within the department. 39; State. & nbsp; The section of the department responsible for the creation of such a In August 2017, the panel learned that the media attacks, while the departmental medical department knew them in early 2017, when the symptoms were evaluated for the first time. By law, a panel should have been assembled within 60 days of the incident. NBC reported last week that a report by the Government Accountability Office had revealed that a special group convened to investigate the attacks was in place. The section of the department responsible for creating such a panel was only informed of the attacks by the media in August 2017, when the department's service unit was aware of them. In early 2017, when the symptoms were first assessed, a panel should have been assembled within 60 days of the incident and established in January 2018.
Although the US intelligence services now "strongly" suspect Russia of being behind the attacks, they have not been able to confirm it. What they do know is that attacks are deliberate. As a US official told NBC, they have "no reason to believe it was an intentional act."