Who is John Miller? Jennifer Garner's rumored boyfriend knows a deal or two about business


Looks like love could be in the air for that Camping star. Jennifer Garner goes out with John Miller, according to We weekly. Apparently, several sources have revealed that the actor and Miller have been involved for some time and that they apparently would not slow things down any time soon. So who is this John Miller? (Bustle contacted Garner's representative for a comment, but did not receive an immediate response.)

As We first reported, Miller is the CEO of Cali Group, which owns Miso Robotics and "a chain of about 50 CaliBurger restaurants". According to the company's website, he is referred to as the "President and Chief Executive Officer". According to his bio, before starting the Cali Group in 2011, Miller graduated from Stanford Law School. He was the second employee at Arrowhead, a pharmaceutical company, where he was responsible for the "formation, growth and sale of Arrowhead's electronic division". Miller even wrote The Nanotechnology Business Law, Policy and Intellectual Property Handbook. He looks very smart and certainly knows something about business.

We weekly also reports that Miller had already been married to Caroline Campbell, a concert violinist. The two men reportedly separated in 2014 after nine years of marriage. according to WeMiller has two children from a previous relationship, a 12 year old son and a 10 year old daughter. It is not known if his children are with Campbell.

Garner was previously married to Ben Affleck and ScandalScott Foley. She has three children with Affleck, Violet, Seraphina and Samuel.

"They've been together for six months – and it's getting pretty serious," said a source We weekly about the rumored couple. A different source told the publication: "Jen brings out the best of John and he is the happiest he has ever been in. It is a loving and healthy relationship."

Despite We reporting Garner introduced his children to Miller, People reported Wednesday that Miller had not met Garner's children and that the two were going slowly. "They come out casually but it does not matter," a source told the website. "He did not meet his children." according to PeopleMiller and Campbell separated in 2011 and not in 2014.

E! The news reports that Garner and Miller have a lot in common. A besieged source, "she found that she [has] much in common with him and they have had similar experiences with divorce and co-parenting. He also has a daughter named Violet. "

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The same source also told E! Wednesday, Miller news: "It's a good guy and it's nice to hang out with a person who's not famous or an actor." They spent time at her house and went sometimes in hotels and very discreet places. "

Apparently, Affleck is happy for Garner. "Ben is happy when Jen is happy," a "close to the couple" source told E! New. "They have a very strong relationship and will continue to be co-parent and support each other."

Beginning of October, People reported the old Alias the star was coming out again. A source told the magazine that Garner was in a relationship again, "Jen wanted to leave and now that the divorce is over, she can finally." The source later said, "Jen does not want to be single until the end of her life, so she's open to dating." She's had sex dates, but it seems like she's do not be serious with a guy, focuses mainly on his children and his work. "

Whether Garner and Miller are serious or not, all that matters is Garner's happiness. Looks like both are hearing well and hopefully, because if someone deserves to be happy in the romance department, that is Garner.

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