Who is Renate Dolphin? Woman behind Kavanaugh's former student withdraws support for judge


Over the course of the student years, Broken Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh further deepened, one of the women who initially supported him appeared to withdraw support after learning that she had been a joke among his friends.

Renate Schroeder Dolphin was one of 65 women who said they knew Kavanaugh in high school and wrote a letter to the Senate's Judiciary Committee, which is a sign of her character and behavior towards women. Kavanaugh's years at the Georgetown Preparatory School in Maryland are examined following allegations by Christine Blasey Ford that he allegedly sexually assaulted her while he was a student there. down, what he denies.

But after Dauphin had learned of the word "Renate" at least 14 times in the school yearbook in 1983, including in a photo of a group of Renate Alumni footballers, she seemed to withdraw her support .

"I learned about the existence of these pages from the phone book just a few days ago," Dolphin said in a statement. The New York Times. "I do not know what Renate Alumnus means." I can not begin to understand what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the innuendo is horrible, hurtful, and simply false pray that their daughters will never be treated this way, I will have no further comment.

Two of Kavanaugh's classmates told Time that the mentions of "Renate" were part of the unfounded assertions of the footballers on their conquests.

RTS22R8O Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, leaves his home on September 25 in Marshall. The American Marshalls are trying to hide it from Chevy Chase. One of the 65 women who signed a letter. REUTERS / Jim Bourg

Sean Hagan, a student in preparation at Georgetown at the time, Time"They were very disrespectful, at least verbally, with Renate. I can not express how disgusted I am with them, then and now. "

Dolphin, 53, now lives in New Canaan, Connecticut, where she is part of the city's health and social services council.

Kavanaugh's lawyers told CNN that the Dolphin and Kavanaugh were friends in high school. "He admired him so much, and he admires him until now," the statement said, according to CNN. "The language of Judge Kavanaugh High School Yearbook indicates that he and Ms. Dolphin participated in this event together and nothing else.

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh defended himself on television on Monday telling Fox News that he denies any wrongdoing. "I think we all have probably done things we look at high school and we regret or we have a little perspective," he said.

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