Who is the student of Nishal Sankat, FL who tried to fly an airliner?


A 22-year-old Florida Institute of Technology student, who documented his love of planes on his social media page, was accused of attempting to steal an American plane. Airlines.

According to reports, Nishal Kiran Sankat, a part-time aviation student at Orlando School, jumped early Thursday morning aboard an American Airlines plane that was under maintenance near a hangar at the airport. Orlando Melbourne International Airport. When he was confronted and dragged out of the plane by an employee of the airline, he unleashed and ran towards the jet, reports CBS News.

Melbourne police took Sankat into custody and airport spokeswoman Lori Booker congratulated the airline's staff and the police for taking swift action.

"In the two minutes following the creation of a problem, we have prevented this guy from getting in the air," Booker told CBS. She also stated that it seemed that Sankat had planned his actions in advance.

In August, a similar – but ultimately fatal – incident occurred when a ground services worker stole a plane from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and stole it for hours until to be crushed on a small island.

According to Melbourne police, Mr. Sankat is a graduate of the Florida Institute of Technology, where he enrolled in 2014 and graduated in 2019, according to Florida Today.

Sankat comes from a well known and respected family of Trinidad. His father, Clement Sankat, is a former director of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad.

In a statement to the Trinidad newspaper, the Daily Express, the Sankat family said it was focused on "providing all the legal, mental, emotional and parental support possible. What has happened clearly shows the family the need to become aware of the challenges young students face, especially those living far from home and their families.

The family also thanked those who had reached out during this "extremely difficult time".

According to his Facebook page, Sankat previously attended Hillview College, a government-assisted Presbyterian high school in Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago, where he was originally from.

Police say Sankat, who holds a Florida driver's license, is a dual national of Canada and Trinidad and Tobago. He left the United States after his visa expired, but returned using his Canadian passport, CBS reported.

The Federal Aviation Association told the press that Sankat had been awarded his commercial pilot license in January to fly multi-engined aircraft and was equipped with instruments but was not qualified to fly the aircraft. type of plane he had embarked on Thursday.

His timeline on Facebook is only available to the public in 2015, with the exception of some recent photos. Previous messages include a celebratory anniversary post for McDonnell Douglas DC-9 "Airline Worker" who turned 49 in 2014. He posted a photo taken from the back for return to the Melbourne International Airport in 2014 a co-pilot. There is also a Hindustan Times press article on Malaysian Airlines flight 370, which disappeared in 2014.

Sankat's motive has not been specified. CNN reports that he was not armed, that he had no explosives and that after searching his home, no connection with terrorist groups n & # 39; 39, was found.

Sankat is enroled in Brevard County Jail and charged with unarmed burglary from a busy plane, major theft and trespassing on airport property, according to the prison records. His bond is set at $ 20,500 on all three charges.

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