Who supports Brazil's far-right candidate, Jair Bolsonaro?


A fan of Jair Bolsonaro waves a flag

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Jair Bolsonaro has managed to appeal to disparate groups of Brazilian society

Brazilians vote Sunday for a new president and opinion polls suggest that the far-right candidate, Jair Bolsonaro, has a decisive lead. Which groups support it and why?

Those who are worried about the rise of violence

For many Brazilians, tackling violence is the number one priority. Mr. Bolsonaro put the fight against crime at the center of his campaign.

Last year, Brazil recorded a record number of 63,880 murders and its supporters claim that the violence has become uncontrollable. Bolsonaro wants to liberalize the gun laws, reduce the age of criminal responsibility to 16 and give the police more powers to shoot criminals.

Alessandra Uberaba lives in Tijuca, a district of Rio de Janeiro where violence and violence in the streets are on the rise.

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Alessandra Uberaba


Alessandra Uberaba thinks that Jair Bolsonaro, with whom she poses in this photo, will bring security in her neighborhood

"People do not go out at night," said Uberaba. "The people in the building in which I live were stolen under the threat of arms, we live every day with this fear in Rio and Bolsonaro is our salvation."

In February, the military was responsible for security in Tijuca, but Ms. Uberaba believes that this has not changed much.

"I think that the armed forces and the police must be better equipped to cope with this violence, we can not cope with it anymore."

  • Bolsonaro sends a tough message against crime

Workers' Party patients

When the Workers Party candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, became president in 2003, he was hoping that he would change the country. Lula ruled during a period of strong economic growth and millions of people were lifted out of poverty thanks to government-run social programs.

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Many supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro said that they voted for him because they were tired of the Workers Party.

But the good times have not lasted and Brazil has fallen into the worst recession in its history, of which it is only gradually emerging.

Lula was found guilty of corruption and is serving a 12-year prison sentence. Dilma Rousseff, his successor to the Workers' Party, has been indicted for illegally manipulating the government's budget. This caused a lot of hatred towards the Workers Party.

Tomé Abduch, owner of a construction company in São Paulo, is one of those who are fed up. "We can no longer have a left-wing government in Brazil that has destroyed our country," he said.

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Courtesy of Tomé Abduch


Tomé Abduch thinks Jair Bolsonaro will tackle corruption

"This places corrupt people in power in Brazil and corruption is one of the main reasons why Brazil has failed to develop.

"Bolsonaro has a very clear and transparent way of doing politics, he's running a totally impartial campaign, he does not receive any public money or business money, so he's been able to run a campaign totally free of compromise or political agreements, "he said. said.

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As Jair Bolsonaro has increased in polls, so have Brazilian stocks. Investors consider the far-right candidate to be a safer pair of hands than his left-wing rival, Fernando Haddad.

Leo Fração is a rich Brazilian businessman from Porto Alegre. He manages an investment fund focused on Brazil and also donated $ 3.77 million to finance the Rio Grande do Sul military police. Thanks to his gift, they now have Glock pistols and better armor.

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With the permission of Leo Fração


Leo Fração says that he wants a politician who does not get involved

"Brazil is probably the richest country in the world, of course," he said. "You do not have to be a miracle actor to build a huge economy, you just need the government to be out of the way."

He says that Mr. Bolsonaro is the only candidate to have the courage to make the changes that he wants to see.

"He is the first person to say that criminals must go to jail," he says.

Fração says he also has great confidence in Bolsonaro's economic adviser, Paulo Guedes.

"I do not need a genius to run my country, I just need some initiative to not spoil it," he concludes.


Evangelical Christians – who represent 29% of all Brazilians – were one of the groups that provided the greatest support to Mr. Bolsonaro. According to the latest Datafolha survey, 61% of evangelicals will vote for him next Sunday.

Bolsonaro describes himself as a Roman Catholic, but his Christian rhetoric and his slogan "Brazil foremost, especially God" have conquered many in the evangelical community.

Luceni Alves is a presenter at Radio Relogio, an evangelical station in Rio de Janeiro.

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"He believes in the word of God and in my principles," she says. "He is against the legalization of abortion because it goes completely against the word of God and he is against the legalization of drugs."

Ms. Alves also criticizes what she calls "child sexualization".

"The Bible says that God created man and woman and that in my opinion, gender ideology confuses children, it deconstructs what God has built," she says.

During the campaign, Bolsonaro said the rival workers' party had distributed "gay kits" in schools, which he strongly criticized.

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Courtesy of Luceni Alves


Luceni Alves says Jair Bolsonaro shares God's respect with her

He was referring to the Workers Party project to launch a "Brazil without Homophobia" program in schools. As part of the program, materials aimed at promoting respect for diversity and ending discrimination have been developed for teachers.

The documents were never distributed and the Brazilian Supreme Electoral Tribunal refuted the argument that the "gay kit" would be false news.

Nevertheless, this continued to be a topic of discussion with Bolsonaro's supporters such as Ms. Alves. "It's totally contrary to biblical principles and Bolsonaro agrees with me, so he represents me."

"It's a candidate who respects God," she says. "A person who does not respect God does not respect anyone."

The agricultural lobby

The Brazilian agriculture lobby, which represents the country's powerful agri-food sector, has this month approved President Bolsonaro.

Alessandro Fernandes Pimenta is a landowner and keeps cattle, pigs and chickens in Goiana, in central Goias state.

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Alessandro Fernandes Pimenta


Alessandro Fernandes Pimenta says he's tired of corrupt politicians

"I'm fed up with these corrupt politicians shamelessly," he says. "At the moment, if you want to develop land, it's really bureaucratic – I wanted it but it's impossible – Bolsonaro wants to reduce taxes and make things less bureaucratic."

"The government is talking about protecting the environment but is not doing anything to improve things, there needs to be a bigger incentive," he says.

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  • The candidate dividing friends in Brazil

Additional report by Tatiana Polastri.

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