WHOOPS! Trump gives his "total support" to a random guy in Canada


President Donald Trump on Monday approved Troy Balderson's candidacy for the US Congress of Ohio.

Just not the one running for the congress.

In the initial tweet, Trump expressed his "full support" – not to the GOP legislator seeking re-election in the 12th district of Buckeye State, but to a guy from "Beautiful British Columbia" Canada:


Trump deleted the tweet and published a new one with the correct tag.

Ohio Balderson, who won his seat in the August special election for only 0.8%, retweeted the downline.

Balderson from Canada has not been tweeting for over two years.

Over the summer, Trump tried to support Balderson in a special election, but instead encouraged people to vote for someone who did not even show up. As in this case, he then deleted the tweet and sent a second one with the correct mention.

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