Why Batman-Catwoman wedding spoilers have angry fans at The New York Times


Dark Knight 's wedding was spoiled by the New York Times, but more is happening than ever before.

Spoiler Warning: This article will discuss elements of the plot of Batman No. 50, published Wednesday, July 4, as already revealed by the New York Times this week -end. Do not read further if you do not want to be spoiled. No, really …

For the second time in two months, the New York Times ruined an upcoming comic book issue centered on a superhero wedding; A few weeks after revealing that Kitty Pryde and Colossus were not getting married this weekend, he also revealed that the marriage of Batman and Catwoman would not happen either.

Unlike the spoiler X-Men which raised eyebrows but little indignation – maybe because the l? story was marrying instead of other characters, Snape and Gambit doing the knot in front of their new cartoon series . and Mrs. X – on Batman reveal that fans and comic retailers were upset by complaints in social media and in private forums that led to a follow-up Times piece and the author of the original story giving an interview in which he admitted that, given the opportunity, he would approach the subject differently.

Also seemingly upset? The author of the number, Tom King, who took Twitter twice during the weekend to comment obliquely what was going on.

It's hard not to share King's frustration, for one simple reason: there's a lot more at the Batman story than what history Times suggests. Consider, for a moment, that King has already stated (in fact, more than once ) that his race Batman will last for about 100 numbers, and that this will be the case. is a great story; the fiftieth question is therefore, by definition, not an end point. What happens – or, really, does not happen – in the question is not an end in itself, but something that will resonate and illuminate subsequent problems. And, yes, Catwoman gets her own comics series after throwing the Dark Knight, but that's the comic book; crossover characters and interact between sets all the time. The idea that King does not plan for Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle to interact again is almost ridiculous.

The thought of King Batman is presented as a story of 100 chapters, she reframes the narrative of the engagement in a certain way. After all, Batman only offered number 24, Catwoman's response not being given for three more months; With the proposal's commitment to divide only one quarter of the overall race, it's clearly not what the story is about overall. So, what is that is ?

A suggestion from King, from last year, is that it is whether Batman can be happy. "You add happiness to Batman, you create a conflict because he as a character is fueled by pain," King said in an interview. "It turns pain into hope, when is it a machine that turns pain into hope when it is nourished with happiness? When is it nourished with joy? You give joy to Superman and it's like "Yay, more joy in my life", it's just another day, you're giving Batman joy and it's like "What's up?" am I supposed to do with that? "

This is something supported by Batman No. 50 himself – in which the character tells Catwoman with her, he makes her believe that he can be "more than a boy whose parents are dead" before discovering that he was thrown – but the potential arc of which is to come. Readers have seen Batman be happy (and how everyone reacted, it's worth noting that Batman # 49 introduced the Joker trying to convince Catwoman not to spend the wedding because he believed that Batman was only the product of misery), and now they will see what a ripped Batman looks like, for comparison purposes.

All this supposes, of course, that the split is even real . At the beginning of King's Batman race, there is a plot where Catwoman apparently betrays Batman to Bane, an oversized villain, before a flip-flop reveals that it was a pretense of mischief. Sleep the bad guys in a false sense of security. Who can say that this element is not a glimpse of what will happen in the biggest story, when it's over?

There are legitimate reasons to be thwarted by the Times Spoil ] Batman No. 50 Three Days Before His Liberation – The Less Than The he was spoiled three days before the liberation . For those who have had the heart at a wedding between Batman and Catwoman in June 2018, this is undoubtedly a disappointment, as this can also be for anyone having the impression that everything in the bands drawn superhero is permanent. (In a genre where death is only temporary, an end of relationship is even less enduring, let's be honest.)

For all others, however, the apparent separation between the characters should be seen as a beginning – not just the new series Catwoman which starts the same day, but the second half of the story of Tom King Batman who studies the character under a more emotional microscope that he, or we, used to it. Who knows? Maybe No. 100 will present a surprise wedding that no one sees coming.

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