Why "Black Panther 2" is Marvel's most mysterious movie


Ryan Coogler's sequel is perhaps the most mysterious of Marvel's upcoming films.

There was very little doubt that it was going to happen, but the news that Ryan Coogler signed for writing and directing clearly indicates that there will of course be a Black Panther 2. And the most exciting thing about it is that we do not know exactly what it is, nor who will be part of it.

I'm not referring to the fact that, in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline, half of the universe has been swept away by Thanos as a result of: Avengers: Infinity War. After all, T'Challa himself (Chadwick Boseman) was one of the characters killed at this event, guaranteeing at least that it will be reversed by the end of the month. Avengers 4 next year. (Indeed, it makes sense that Black Panther is part of the new generation of Avengers founded at the end of this film, eventually opening the way for well-known stars if Coogler wishes to use them for his second outing, the character has long been an avenger in his comic book incarnation.)

Instead, what makes the future of Black Panther As a film property, the combination of three coinciding factors, the sum of which is much greater than that of the different parts, is so wonderfully impossible to predict.

There is no definitive Black Panther cartoon cannon

For a character that has existed for more than half a century, the Black Panther has appeared in many enjoyable comics, including the current incarnation of the series written by Ta-Nehisi Coates (with auxiliary comics written). like Roxane Gay and Evan Narcisse). But the line of characters of the character is far from simple, with a tone and even a secondary genre varying enormously as different creators seize the character. There is no fundamental narrative to follow for the black panther and, with T & # 39; Challa's comic strip, from white supremacists struggling with a troubled monarch, to a daring adventurer who fights both against yeti and on samurai to become a superior strategist imagining Iron Man and continuing, there are a lot of directions per second Panther movie could take and pretend to be true to the source of the comic.

Movie mythology does not follow the comic strip

Of course, fidelity to the source material is not necessarily one of Coogler's priorities when it comes to Black Panther as a kinematic construct. The first film reinvented three of the greatest villains of the hero, modifying all three of their original form to best fit the story that Coogler wanted to tell. (Ulysses Klaw even found himself dead for his problems, removing the antagonist from the board without the scheduled confrontation with T & # 39; Challa.) Assuming that this attitude is reflected in the second movie – and it's not There is no reason for that not to happen, In particular, given Coogler's exciting willingness to remain true to his Wakanda worldview, even at the cost of comic book regularity, was included in the first movie – any attempt to predict where he wants to go next gives the impression of being at best, a waste of time and effort. Let Coogler go where he wants; the public will follow.

The Black Panther is one of the biggest stars in the Marvel film universe

Although T'Challa has been part of the Marvel comics universe since 1966, it was at most a B-level character; his solo comics have rarely been bestsellers and have even been published sporadically, at best, in the last five decades. He's a character that fans know and loves, but he's not one of the beacons of Marvel's comic book adventures. By comparing, Black Panther is the most successful film of 2018, surpassing even Avengers: Infinity War, at least at the national level. With $ 700 million in shipping, it is also the most profitable Marvel Studios film at the national box office. There is a strong argument to say that he is Marvel's greatest hero, which puts him, as well as Coogler, more importantly, in a position of strength to do anything he wants, to move forward .

Will Black Panther be the new Iron Man, with the Marvel Cinematic universe centered around him and Wakanda, or Black Panther moving to the United States to get closer to the rest of the super-heroic action? Will Coogler have the opportunity to advance the Afro-Futurism that has enthused the audience in the first film, or will he be required to keep these elements in the background to play more with the concepts and characters of larger MCU projects? This is quite uncertain, not just because T'Challa is still theoretically dead.

When Black Panther 2 Production begins, plus what is expected of the character and his creative director as the MCU advances is obvious. But for the moment, it's much harder to try to predict what will happen next, which makes the session even more exciting for the audience.

(But really: let's see a lot more Shuri, please.)

Black Panther

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