Why Bradley Cooper wanted to make the remake of "A star is born"


"Everyone said," Do not do it, "said Cooper about the initial response to making the remake, in which he also plays alongside Lady Gaga.

Bradley Cooper explained why he chose to redo A star is born by visiting Jimmy Fallon Tonight's show Wednesday.

"I think it's because I'm getting older, I was 39 when I decided to do it and I had all those images in my head," said Cooper, who is making his debut as a director and also sings) in the film alongside Lady Gaga. "I've always wanted to lead, I've never had the guts to do it and then, very honestly][Thisestquandj'aivuLadyGagajoueretqu'elleajouéàLaVieenRoseunescènedufilm"[ItwhenIsawLadyGagaperformandshedid'LaVieenRose'whichisasceneinthemovie"[c’estquandj’aivuLadyGagajoueretqu’elleajouéàLaVieenRoseunescènedufilm”[itwhenIsawLadyGagaperformandshedid’LaVieenRose’whichisasceneinthemovie”

When he revealed for the first time his intention to redo the classic, he said: "Everyone said," Do not do it. "Because, think about it:" Okay, I would like to do the fourth remake and I've never done it before with someone who has never shot a movie . I think I will do it. "

Fallon wondered why Cooper had not started his career as a director with a smaller project, such as a commercial or musical video. "It scares me, because you tell the stories in a cinematic way, so there's a reason for the composition," Cooper told the host. "It must come from the reason I'm telling a story, you tell me to do something randomly, I do not know where I put the camera because I do not know what my point of view is. So I did not have a choice It was the thing that moved me, so I had to do it. "

Cooper explained why he had included a scene in the film where rising star Ally (Gaga) continues Saturday Night Live. "I did not want to do a montage of his ascent," he said. "So, it's like:" What could be the moment when you're like, Oh, okay. "She's arrived." There's no such thing. " 39 other place than Saturday Night Live. "

The host also congratulated Cooper for the deep voice that he uses to interpret his character, Jackson. "I bet you could do that," Cooper told Fallon by unveiling and demonstrating his warm-up routine. After the first lap, Cooper began by saying "Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma" and Fallon rehearsed after him.

Earlier in the interview, Cooper and Fallon burst out laughing while discussing their career. Cooper begins the conversation by asking if people emphasize how crazy he is that Fallon is organizing a show that he has grown up watching. "No, no one ever said that," said Fallon, which prompted the actor to laugh.

The laughter continued when Cooper used the word "Whaevs" casually in a sentence. "Let's go," Cooper said, leaning over to laugh and Fallon getting ready to calm down.

The interview is not the first time the two are getting together. At a Cooper appearance at the show in 2014, the two also had a fit speaking from the back of his Broadway play Elephant man.

During the Wednesday night interview, Fallon told Cooper that he looked good. "It's the same suit I wore, I think, the last time I was here," he said. Fallon said that they had a picture of his last appearance hanging in the hallway. So they left the scene in the middle of the interview to confirm that Cooper was in rehearsal gear. "It's the same suit," they said after checking the photo and returning to the stage.

Cooper also talked about playing in music festivals during filming A star so born, including the Glastonbury Festival. "We could not play through the sound system because of the music," he said. "All the music is original, so the music could not come out, but he was playing through the monitors, so about five rows, they could hear us."

"It happened so fast," he said after Fallon asked if the audience knew who he was during the show. "We had eight minutes to Stagecoach and four minutes to Glastonbury."

He said that no one in the crowd booed during his performance, but that scared him. "You have to think about it: this guy's career really is going really fast," he joked. "But I did not know, you're in England, I do not know if they'll throw bottles, I have no idea what's going to happen."

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