Why can not Brett Kavanaugh answer that senator's question on the Mueller probe?


Californian Senator Kamala Harris (D) on Wednesday questioned Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh on a line of clarification: has the judge ever spoken to anyone from Kasowitz, Benson & Torres? Kasowitz – about the ongoing investigation by the special advocate Robert Mueller?

"Is there a person you are talking about?" Kavanaugh replied, looking puzzled.

"I'm asking you a very direct question – yes or no?" Harris continued.

The fiery exchange went around in circles for several minutes as Kavanaugh repeatedly refused to answer Harris's question, claiming that he did not know all the people employed by the firm and surveying the legislator for a specific name. Harris, however, did not let himself go.

"I think you think of someone and you do not want to tell us," said the senator. "Have you talked to any of this law firm from Bob Mueller's investigation?"

It is unclear why Harris decided to go into this line of questioning or if she had evidence to support her investigation. Later, she gave up her efforts and moved on to other topics. Democrats were worried about Kavanaugh's stance on presidential authority and how he could comment on the issues surrounding Muller's investigation in Russia.

Politico, quoting a Democratic advisor familiar with the interrogation, said some legislators thought a conversation in the Harris investigation might have taken place and "continued to pursue it." is huge, with over 250 lawyers on staff.

Kavanaugh proved difficult to pin down during the second day of his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, despite pressure from the Democrats. He avoided their questions, including questions about whether a president could be protected from the investigation during his tenure, saying it would be inappropriate to comment on the issues that could be submitted to the Supreme Court if he were appointed.

He also declined to say he would recuse himself in future cases involving Trump.

Harris said Wednesday she would follow Kavanaugh in writing after the hearing, which will resume at 9:30 Thursday.

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