Why Condoleezza Rice to Browns is not so crazy


OK, no more moans. You are all done. We are all finished. Thursday night is approaching, and unless you intend to leave the planet physically or ethereally, there is no point in going there all week.

The Oakland Raiders will face the San Francisco 49ers on Thursday night, and it will be horrible. Two of the three worst NFL records (2-13), the two worst against the NFL / CFL spread, and all teams except three in college football and two teams that lead nowhere to Warp 2 will be face. which will NOT be for the right to boast Bay Area. Nobody is boasting, believe me.

That's all, children. Nothing good comes out of this, and not even the notion that the teams will never play again while sharing the same geographical area saves it. This is the very essence of athletic toxicity.

And now we are done. These are the prevailing conditions, and since you may be a fan of either team (or both, if you have been badly raised), your choice is clear.

You must Gandhi the week, accept contempt and go ahead.

You have no argument for "Your team is afraid" to treat yourself, so why increase your blood pressure? You can not even catch the New York Giants fans; at least they have a harder schedule and the inner track for Justin Herbert's contest, so why bother yourself? You do not even get the satisfaction of sending your coach back as Cleveland on Monday morning, after Cleveland fired his NBA coach Sunday morning, doubling his civic pleasure. The road to hell has not yet been leveled, let alone paved.

Your game – sorry, this game – is the worst game in prime time BY STATISTICAL FACT after Halloween in the history of television, so just treat it as Gandhi did, with nonviolent resistance under the It is now necessary to gather strength in time to refuse what can not be accepted.

And by "dealing with", we mean to agree with every provocation, every sarcastic remark, every bit of ill-intentioned smack. Make an informed nod and say, "Yes, you have me there, champion. My team sucks concrete from the sidewalk, no question. You are very intelligent to report it to me. I would not have understood it without your generous help. Thank you."

And then go away. Sticks and stones can hurt you, but your only answer may be an abject chord followed by a tactical retreat. Verbal abuse needs something flammable to keep it on. Whether you are moved to the other end of the bar, across the street or across the galaxy, they can not reach what they can not reach.

In addition, slamming unanswered feet is really intimidation, and if your bullying needs the allegiance of others' team as tinder, your skill is not a quality skill. Everyone can shoot down; the best punch.

And you, who can not knock at all, can get through the week only by accepting your fate: "Yes, your team is better. Yes, your team's record is a direct result of your superior character. Yes, you are a genius by wearing the right piece of linen. I can only apologize for stealing the air that belongs to you legitimately.

And then absent yourself, silently planning your revenge.

Now this last part is not what Gandhi would do. He resisted the injustices of colonial rule and repression for decades, but he finally knew he would take revenge. And the Raiders and the 49ers can not be bad forever – this work is apparently reserved for the Browns.

That's when you get yours, and double. All you need is patience and your team stops breaking down.

Oh, you, Raiders fans, may be tempted to upset the 49ers in the months you have to worry about before leaving for Las Vegas, but it will not be a satisfying experience. Better to beat the 49ers when they are good than to beat the powerful is always better than to beat those who are equally lame.

And the same goes for 49ers fans. If your team beat the Raiders, what exactly do you win? A slightly lower project choice? Barely seems worth it.

So, while you are overwhelmed by the well deserved negativity that your teams have presented to you, escape quietly to a more peaceful place. Watch the game if you have to do it, skip it if you can, and dedicate your time to more successful activities.

Say, alphabetize the sweets of your children and take out the good things when they do not look. Of course, that kills, but when the reward is a Three Musketeers for which you have not worked – well, every good advice comes with an asterisk.

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