Why could Meghan Markle's family finally finish


Good, Samantha Markle do good word.

The combative half-sister of Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex, arrived in London this week while she and her publicist had threatened to do so, determined to confront her brother or sister about various grievances that she and her Father Thomas have been regularly broadcast in the press and on social media since the commitment of the poor woman to Prince Harry was announced last year.

"After many private attempts to arrange a personal meeting with the Duchess of Sussex to discuss the health of their 74-year-old father, Kensington Palace refused to answer," a journalist said. Rob Cooper tweeted end of last month. "I'm afraid Meghan is not aware of these unobtrusive attempts and, therefore, making this audience accessible to the public is the only option we have left, I currently have Samantha in Europe at a small distance flight. "No need to be public, I prefer that it stays private – Samantha will come to the UK this week, like it or not."

Apart from the absurd fact that Samantha even has a journalist, what happened once in England gives hope that perhaps, perhaps, it could end the circus that has eclipsed Prince Harry every turn. his wife.

As expected, his invitation to a tête-à-tête inside Kensington Palace – or elsewhere, with Meghan – did not materialize. And as expected, Samantha has found yet another television interview from the British press, sitting down with Channel 5 Jeremy Vine Monday morning to discuss his unsuccessful attempt to communicate with his half-brother. But that's what she said when the cameras were spinning that gave us hope – a faint hope, of course; a glimmer of light – that the Markles could soon take a different approach to their separated family member.

"Water under the bridge," she says.

"I wish things are different," she said.

"Believe it or not, it does not mean we love you less," she says.

It was a stunning reversing of women writing a book, once titled The diary of Princess Pushy's sister and now renamed In the shadow of the duchess, about the half-sister who is 17, her younger sister; who sometimes called this half-brother "Cruella de Vil", "arrogant and ignorant" and "duchess of madness".

It is difficult to discern exactly the motive that motivated Samantha's latest reversal of attitude with respect to her sister – apart from an obvious attempt to save face while she was facing a series of thorny questions from Vine. But what a reversal it was.

His bad tweets to his sister? "I really did not care about the media." Right.

The logic behind the initially ugly title of his book? "The title of my book was meant to make fun of social labels." Uh-huh.

His decision to blame Meghan for the death of his father while he was still alive, you know? "At first, when we spoke publicly, I thought we were open minded and even supportive.That fell into the ears of a deaf and the media turned it into something that was not there. " OK, okay

Remains disconcerting Samantha's refusal to assume any responsibility for the circus while her family was caught up in all those months. It remains an excuse for everything. What was once the fault of a heartless half-sister and her dominant royal in-laws, is now the fault of a cruel media, who has twisted the words or invented them wholesale. In fact, it's absurd to take into account his Twitter account, but this marks a noticeable change in the way she talks about her sister.

"As long as she is happy, then that's what we wanted," said Samantha to interview him, promising that if Meghan and she were to talk, she would keep the content of this conversation confidential – and yes, that promise seems fragile. at best, all things considered, but we will take him on his word.

Meghan Markle, Samantha Markle Grant

Getty Images; Splash News

The way Samantha and her family behaved in the press probably irretrievably damaged their relationship with Meghan – provided that there is even a good relationship to start with. While Thomas's recent scathing comment about her daughter has shaken her, leaving her sad and uncertain, she will still be able to trust him again, said a source. We weekly earlier this summer – although its relative tranquility lets us think that it may have been aware of the damage it has caused – nothing proves, aside from Samantha's protests, that Meghan and her half-sister have already had a lot of connections with talking about.

"Samantha was not part of this life and in no way did Samantha raise Meghan until she was 12," said a source at E! News last year. "Meghan saw her occasionally at family parties, but never on a regular basis." For about two weeks when Meghan was 12, Samantha moved in with her father. once since. "

It is highly unlikely that Samantha's latest appearance in the press, as conciliatory as it may be, will push Meghan to address those she has become so alien to, but now that the old Markle has had the chance to tell her article, speaking directly to the Duchess sometimes during her interview, even apologizing, it's time that she let the sleeping dogs lie and move on.

There is little reason to believe that this is really going to happen – there is always a book going on, remember – but there was little reason to believe that Samantha would ever apologize to Meghan either. Now that she has one, hope that for the good of all, it could be over, once and for all.

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